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So problem with my server and dinos - Max level too low


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I have the Annunaki Mod if anyone is familiar with it, and basically there are dragons on the mod called "Drakes" so my argens used to be able to take them when fully levels out to the max. But since i changed something on my server.. .I don't know what. All of the dinos on my server dont give nearly as many points in all of their stats per level? Is there anything that can change this or is it possible to make my dinos be able to level up a lot more before i hit a max dino level? I hope this makes sense. but this is ruining my server because once anyone tames anything there isn't that many times they can level up a dino before it is at its "Max" level which then just isn't strong enough to kill any bosses or multiple strong dinos. thanks for the help. 


Or even make it somehow so the dinos get more points per level up stat

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