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server Multiple Server Saves but only one installation


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Hi there,

I am currently having 8 ark servers on my box. Only one is running at a time. But all the 8 have different server configs and of course savegames in the folder "SavedArks".

But at this point I also have the base ARK server installed 8 times which consumes a heck of a lot of disk space on this machine. And I also need to update 8 servers on every update to stay up to date and ready with every server when ever my friends and me want to play on that specific server/savegame

Is there a way to have a ARKSERVER home and ARKSERVER base model like many other servers do e.g. Tomcat. Where I can say in my starting bat something like

start ShooterGameServer.exe TheIsland?listen?SessionName=MyServer1?SaveGameStore=C:\arksaves\server1

start ShooterGameServer.exe TheCenter?listen?SessionName=MyServer2?SaveGameStore=C:\arksaves\server2

start ShooterGameServer.exe TheIsland?listen?SessionName=MyServer3?SaveGameStore=C:\arksaves\server3

... and so on and so on. 

Where SaveGameStore points to the location where I locate the SavedArks folder for this specific server. 

This would save time and disk space. 



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