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Introducing the parasitic slaver, Miriholcorpa!


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Common name: Scorpion-Wasp

Scientific name: Miriholcorpa compressa

Time: Early Permian - Holocene

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Short-tempered


Wild: If there was one animal I would describe the fear of the island, it would be the Miriholcorpa compressa. With the tail of a scorpion and the body of a wasp, The scorpion wasp is one of the most frightening things to exist on the island. After the female mates, they will usually have 3-5 eggs in their ovipositor, this ovipositor transfers the eggs into a host creature, where the larva will slowly inflict torpor upon the poor host creature until it collapses. The hatchlings will burst from the swollen egg and begin to feed on the poor unconscious creature.


Domesticated: Miriholcorpa’s unique reproductive system is popular amongst warring tribes, using the parasitic eggs as a form of a “Trojan horse”. Interestingly enough, the eggs also leave traces of a polymer like substance, possibly used in order to protect the eggs, but that I am unsure of.


Known Information: Whilst female Miriholcorpa are capable of laying eggs, males on the other hand possess a unique type of venom. This venom can be injected into a creature’s nervous system, causing the afflicted to act as the wasp’s slave, following it around and sometimes, protecting it.


Not much writing for this one right now :/

Basically, mate boosted females charge up eggs in their ovipositor, these amount of eggs charge up to about 10-15.

I should also mention the scorpion-wasp is both tamable AND ridable.

Female scorpion wasps will be able to attack creatures and plant eggs, however the amount of stings before an animal becomes "Infected" depends on the animal, with larger animals needing more stings and smaller ones needing less. After a certain amount of time, the eggs explode, and the animal falls over unconscious covered in some "Goo". The babies will then attack the unconscious animal in order to feed upon it. The animal however, once killed, gains a new resource which is....Well..Organic polymer. It should also be noted that the babies also provide some prime meat, as all babies do...


Males on the other hand possess a unique venom. This venom can be injected into an animal to make them "temporarily tamed". Now this means the animal follows you, protects you, and can hold your stuff. However only for a limited time before it starts to retaliate against you.


I should also note that the venom is based off of a real life wasp, the Ampulex compressa.

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3 hours ago, Kirito said:

I've been stung by scorpion wasps; not as painful as a hornet but more then a wasp or bee. A hornet's hurts more because it feels like it weights a crapload more then the bug itself. Try to imagine getting punched by wolverine with one claw extended; It feels heavy(Blunt damage) but it also pierces you like a pike (piercing damage) as well as giving long lasting agony (toxic damage). Really raptoring painful.

I had previously made a parasitic wasp-thing (a Tarantual Hawk inspired creature)

Araneo Hawk:


Lol, How could you be stung by a scorpionfly...That stinger is basically its...Genitalia...

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in which the males have enlarged genitals that look similar to the stinger of a scorpion

And that came from wikipedia for the family of scorpionflies xD

I'd rather keep it as it is, that way I don't have to worry about two different looks to draw. Besides, males don't have an ovipositor...Because if they did then they would be the ones laying the eggs.


OH WAIT, I think you got confused with the name, the creature is a combination between scorpion flies and a parasitic wasp, it is not a scorpion wasp. That might get confusing for the creature's common name...Hm...

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