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Open Tribe  ·  1 member  ·  Rules

the Art of War

About This Tribe

We are a group of twelve at the moment starting to recruit people for the pc Conquest servers when they wipe. That means everyone starts fresh and gets a lot of early game pvp as well as the rare chance to become alpha of a server these days. A lot of us know each other and in discord/ voicechat we are always nice and create a great atmosphere and teamspirit. Since we want to take over the Conquest servers we need bigger numbers. We are not that picky about people having to be tamers, farmers, breeders and so on but you should have some basic game knowledge and of course a microphone/ discord. If you are interested add my discord #gravelar3022 and i will get you and possibly the friends you bring along in the tribe. Its maybe important to mention that we have people from both, america and europe so we cover most of the time zones and people dont have to be online/ defend alone. Come and join fellow Arksmen :)


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