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Open Tribe  ·  1 member


About This Tribe

We our planning to play on small tribes NA (there are just 2 of us), anyone willing to put in work is gladly welcomed with open arms. Our goal is to become a decent sized tribe and eventually become alpha on the server, It's not impossible it just takes patience and time. A few things we need to put out there are, We are kinda considered new to ark pvp, We don't quit and we certainly don't back down, if you get in trouble we all get in trouble, if you fall we all fall, If you put in the work you will be greatly rewarded with not just loot but also loyal companionship, I myself do not tolerate treachery and neither does my tribemate, I only ask for equal respect amongst tribemates, we are tribemates not enemies, Last thing, we don't bargain with people who threaten us. We expect to play this soon once we get at least 3 tribemates. (we are 17) (Discord:LeShrimp5#3059)


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