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Open Tribe  ·  81 members  ·  Rules


About This Tribe

We are a fresh tribe that just started a few days ago. I got 1500 hours Me and my friends are a 6 man so far. our server is NA offical pvp the island (swamp pillar). We alow any kind of members. We are allies with server alpha.


  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. Returning play I'm a good farmer looking for a tribe
  3. hey how doni write I would like to join to I'm 30 great tamer and breader and farmer my tribe was wiped inhave loads of resources and a level 180 golem to bring with me
  4. Gm guys, I heard you allow players with doesn’t matter the level. I’m new, and I do not use any swear language or violent words. The only thing is that I’m almost 13 and my dad limits me in playing video games so I believe I can play only 30 min a day. Maybe more sometimes. You guys have a lot of members and maybe I could join but if not I don’t mind. Just let me know. As I said I am totally new and this forum was given to me by chatGPT when I was searching for tribes lol. I am on vacation will either be available on the 17th or a bit later. (Could not find tribes discord😥)
  5. turrettower


    my discord is Turrettower
  6. i work well with others and i am 15
  7. I have around 6k hours on ark i like Building i farm i have great game sense i played ark 1 on ps5/ps4 i used keybord and mouse
  8. Looking to join a tribe that has is active. I play on a PlayStation and I have a little over 400 hours on Ascended and a little over 400 hours on Evolved. I have only started playing this about a month ago but have been doing expensive research to play catch up to others in the game. Looking to farm, build, mine, and other tasks that will allow for the progression of the Tribe. Any information pertaining to joining will be much appreciated.
  9. Heya! Im Mia i would love to join as a sorta dedicated farmer and breeder. I use to be a part of a english/chinese alpha tribe on evolved doing just that. I can be on sunday-Wednesday and on occasionally through my overnights at work Thursday-Saturday as i have a steam deck. Im not the best fighter but i can hold my own decently. I have 710 hours in evolved. Ive also played rust as a part of a big zerg about 300 hours clocked in there as well( different game similar criteria).

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