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Open Tribe  ·  121 members


About This Tribe

(PC) Looking for active grinders, PVPers and breeders (You only need 1 of them). Starting from scratch on ragnarok. Gonna take over the island when a mega tribe helps us wipe the alphas on an the island server. You should atleast have: 500 hours. Atleast be on 3 hours+ per day.


  1. What's new in this tribe
  2. I am a player with ~1000 hours, i am 16, and go to college 3 hours a day (weekdays only) do i have a lot for free time. if you want me in the tribe you can find me @noboi4 on discord
  3. Zaro


    My discord name is Zaro#8743
  4. Hey 21 yo, I work from home so I can play about 8+ a day. I love to grind and breeding is probably my favorite, anything grindy really. Also have tons of experience in raiding. I have over 2000+ hours if combing all my accounts on Ps4, Xbox, and PC. My current platform is PC. Lemme know if i can help out.

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