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  • Community Crunch 137: Code of Conduct Changes, Community Livestream Round-Up, & DevKit Update!

    Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! :Jerbhi:

    Code of Conduct Changes!

    The Enforcement Team are back again with another important notice regarding the Code of Conduct. We'd like to make Official Players aware of the following 3 revisions:


    Small Tribe Server Specific Rules

    > No Teaming - to maintain the intent and spirit of the small tribe servers, players are not permitted to form informal alliances between tribes.  This includes such things as:
        Joint raids against one or more tribes (including cross-server)

        Sharing tame breeding lines between tribes

        Sharing tames between tribes

        Moving characters back and forth between multiple tribes

        Using non-tribemember bodies to store and transport items

        Bringing players from multiple tribes into a Boss Fight

    > Do not attempt to circumvent the six member limit

    PvE Specific Griefing

    Additional rule

    Intentionally filling the server tame limit via spamming tames and/or rafts

    Community Livestream Round-Up!

    On June 18th we had our fourth Community Livestream. Thank you to all of those who attended and participated! The community team had a lot of fun and we hope you did as well. If you weren't able to catch the stream you can watch the video-on-demand on our Twitch page or by clicking on the video below.

    The stream began with a round-up of Extinction related information that was released following the Extinction trailer. Mod Community Manager ZenRowe then showcased eco's Mods. These mods are part of the Sponsored Mod Program and are definitely worth checking out! eco is well known in the unofficial community for her decorative and RP mods.

    Our community guest this week was xRowCat! Rowena Frenzel is a freelance 3D artist who created the Brachiosaurus Costume, Stygimoloch Costume, and Styracosaurus Costume for the ARKaeology Event. She chatted about the workflow on these creature skins and taught us the process of creating 3D art.




    We are accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the Showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related!


    You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address: [email protected]

    Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream! twitch.tv/survivetheark

    We'll be hosting our next Community Live Stream on Thursday, July the 5th! We hope to see you there :)

    Mod Community Updates!

    I've got good news for the modding community! The DevKit update is finally available. ?This update includes all of the TLC #2 content and the ARKaeology content. You can download the manual content diff from here:


    I also have a new tutorial ready for you! This time we will be looking at MultiUse and adding options to the radial menu. Happy modding!

    Server Maintenance This Week!

    We have some upcoming server maintenance on our official server network this week. A select number of Xbox and PS4 servers will be taken down for a short period of time later this week.

    Stay tuned to our Twitter @survivetheark for an exact time and list of which servers will be affected.

    ARKaeology Event Live Now!


    There is currently an event going on in the world of ARK: ARKaeology! The event will run beginning today on all platforms until July 15th. Collect bones from fossil mounds and craft them into 4 new skins and returning skeleton costumes. 

    During this event all wild dinos have a chance to spawn with additional mutation colors: White, Yellow, Grey, and Black. There is also the mighty Tek Rex which you can find and tame, if you can handle it!



    The Steam Intergalactic Summer Sale is here! For the next 14 days you can collect an ARK-themed outfit for your Salien when participating in the sale, or by playing the Summer Saliens Game to win free games!



    ARK and its expansion packs are currently on sale across all platforms at their lowest prices ever! Discounts may vary across regions and platforms. Check out the images and links below for more details!


    ARK: Survival Evolved

    ARK: Explorer's Edition

    ARK: Season Pass

    ARK: Scorched Earth

    ARK: Aberration


    ARK: Survival Evolved

    ARK: Explorer's Edition

    ARK: Season Pass

    ARK: Scorched Earth

    ARK: Aberration

    ARK: Evolution Event!


    Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from the Friday the 29th of June at 1 PM EST until Monday the 2nd of July at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

    2x Harvesting Rates
    2x Taming Rates
    2x EXP Rates

    That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share you can find us at:

    Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
    Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
    Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
    Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
    Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
    Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark

    All the best,
    Studio Wildcard

    Edited by Jen

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    maybe there will be some new skins for wyvs like tek skin xD

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