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seige engine Pseudocarcinus, The Modular Crab Tank
Bleepo posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
Description: Pseudocarcinus Karlraubenheimeri is a wonder of adaptation,and is Arks first modular Dino. An ancient descendant of the Tasmanian Giant Crab, Pseudocarcinus is a behemoth that's size rivals it's aberrant counterpart the Karkinos. Pseudocarcinus is able to modify its body through a molting process. Through the use of adaptive hormones you could alter this crabs physiology during the molting process. Allowing for the modification of it's Legs, Body, and Claws. Each having up to three different variants for a vast variety of uses. But that's not all pseudocarcinus also sports a saddle that can hold up to two riders. This saddle is modular as well as it can carry an array of artillery in replacement for the second seat. The artillery variants are a WW2 style mortar, anti air, and tank cannon. These are quite appealing for seiges but must be manually operated and loaded with Shells. Also the artillery greatly limits the crabs movement leaving it open to attack. LIMB VARIANTS Jonah Crab Claws, give the crab more base utility allowing it to grind stone directly into sparkpowder. Box Crab Claws, can shield pseudocarcinus from damage allowing it to enter a bunker formation. Fiddler Crab Claws, Maximize combat potential by allowing it to do more melee damage. Blue Crab Legs, grant ease of movement through water due to the flippers blue crabs sport. However these legs are very slow on land. King Crab Legs, allow climbing up rocky and cliff terrain, they aren't very fast but can scale with ease. Dungeness Crab Legs, Are perfect for long treks, they use less stamina and allow a higher level of mobility. Ghost Crab Body, Only allows one position on the saddle for a seat or artillery. But is smaller in size and harder to detect, even with the use thermal vision as well as other forms of detection. Wooly Crab Body, Covers the entire crab in a thick fur that protects it's riders from High and Low Temperatures. Giant Crab Body, Bolsters the body of the Tasmanian Giant crab, sporting Defense and Health Boosts. HISTORY AND REFRENCES Pseudocarcinus Karlraubenheimeri is a new species of extinct crab discovered in 2024 when a fossil was found off the coast of New Zealand. Paleontologists estimate the fossil to be around 8.8 million years old, and is a not to distant relative of several species found within the region. Not much is known about this recently discovered species. My sources: Reference Images: Pseudocarcinus Karlraubenheimeri: Box Crab: Ghost Crab: TAMING To tame Pseudocarcinus, you must find a wild one and force it to molt through the use of a Molting Dart which is made of a set of three crab hormones: one for the body, claws and legs (Random Claw, Body, or Legs. Obtained by killing Pseudocarcinus). The Pseudocarcinus will enter a molting phase where it sheds its old body for a new one. However in this phase the crab is extremely vulnerable and desired by large predators. You must defend it from waves of attackers. The higher the level of the crab the stronger the attackers. Once it completes its molt and its shell hardens you now are the proud owner of Pseudocarcinus. FINAL THOUGHTS I was inspired to make this by crabs vast adaptability, and variation across multiple species. I also liked the idea of some sort of tank creature that served as a siege engine or a big piece of construction equipment. Crabs are heavily armored and versatile creatures so I thought they'd fit the role of a modular war machine. Thanks for checking out my creature submission! If you like it be sure to vote for it, and share it.-
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IMPORTANT: Since the file size of the shuno is too big, I hosted it on ImgBB: hello, this is my first creature submission! It was very fun to do and I am looking forward to keep this guy constantly updated ^^ I chose to do the shuno because I thought it would fit with the valgeuro theme, more specifically, the mountains and the tundra since Shunosaurus lived in sichuan China Description: Common species name Shunosaurus Species: Shunosaurus formidolosus Time: Late Jurassic Diet: Herbivore Temperament: Moderate Wild Despite Shunosaurus formidolosus being the smallest of the sauropod family in the arks, they are one of the most protective ones, especially when they have young. They are docile unless survivors and their mounts approach their offspring, they will start to attack said survivor. These dinosaurs live in small herds of 4 individuals led by one leader. I believe they can live in small groups since they have great defense. Predatory carnivores choose to avoid healthy and full grown Shunosaurus and instead prey upon the ill and weak of the herd. Except fliers, multiple pterosaurs and avians would prefer snatching Shunosaurus’ young and eggs due to them being unable to defend themselves against them, thus Shunosaurus has evolved to attack any flier on sight! Underestimating Shunosaurus is a fatal mistake among survivors due to their thick armored skin filled with osteoderms and the club at the end of their tail which can cause severe internal bleeding and crush bones, thus making it a formidable dinosaur to try and take down. Domesticated Survivors who are reckless enough to domesticate Shunosaurus and succeed have a useful mount that can fend off predators and even process organic polymer while in the arctic! Shunosaurus’ jaw form is amazingly adapted to processing raw organic polymer to hard processed polymer. Many wealthy tribes in the tundra use Shunosaurus to help with fending off carnivores and producing hard polymer. Taming method: (STILL A WIP) Since shunosaurus aren’t really smart and rely on instincts, you must find a baby that will spawn in a herd, you can use either a crop blend (more will be mentioned about this later) or honey to lure the baby away from its herd. You cant kill the parents because then it will run away from you and refuse to be tamed. TLDR: bonding a baby and kidnapping it Extra Taming Information: Crop blend costs 1 rockarrot, 1 savoroot, and 1 longgrass to be crafted Hypothetically it should take 3 crop blends if done perfectly on official to lure it away so you can bond with it You can use honey, but it would take 9 on official Abilities: Processes organic polymer into hardened polymer when in the Arctic biome Hits flyers out of the sky for a few seconds when approached too close When fighting carnivores, the carnivore gets a 5 second “crushed bone” debuff which reduces its speed by 20% and makes it lose 3% hp per second
support dino Angaturama Trócaireach, the Magical Big Softie!
AlphaWolfWalker posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
Welcome survivors to my suggestion for ARK Survival Ascended: Valguero! ARK has a lot of theropods, Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus, Yutyrannus, and they are all big and scary and will maul you to death on the beach... or snow. But what if there was one theropod, one single theropod... that is your best friend... forever. Introducing... Angaturama Trócaireach, the Magical Big Softie! Common name: Angaturama Species: Angaturama Trócaireach Time: Early Cretaceous Diet: Piscivore Temperament: Friendly Wild I saw one of these notes about the feathered raptor, so I may as well make one of my own about this creature. Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful creature, Angaturama Trócaireach is a docile piscivore found around the lakes of this place, sporting a tiny sail on its back and has a long snout with tiny spines running from the tip of its nose down to the tail! The reason why this piscivore is so interesting to me is because despite its size, being almost as big and scary as Spinosaurus, it is very friendly, and cares for creatures often. It acts somewhat as a protector to any creature it manages to join in a “team”, even Titanosaurus and Giganotosaurus accept its kind nature, and that is something you don’t see often. And I wouldn’t suggest attacking one as these creatures can throw hands. Domesticated To tame Angaturama is actually quite simple, and fun! Grab some fish and start playing fetch and earn its trust, it is essentially a big dog! But don’t underestimate it, Angaturama is a support animal in many ways, it acts a lot like Yutyrannus, using roars and what I call “rituals” to boost a certain stat of you or your tames within a radius. Angaturama also acts as a fast working incubator, simply put eggs under it and they will hatch around 3 times faster than Air Cons! Overall, the Angaturama is a trustworthy and loyal companion on your adventures! PS. These creatures are big softies, I highly recommend taming one if you are looking for a friend! Wild Angaturama Info Angaturama are a little bit smaller than the size of Spinosaurus and have a tiny sail across their lower back and tail, along with sporting small spikes from snout to the tail, it also quite feathered around the shoulders and the bottom of its neck, similar to Deinocheirus! Finding Angaturama is actually quite easy, above here is the spawn map! Green is the most common while Red is the most rare! Angaturama is rare to find in the Snow and Redwoods, along with really high spots of Valguero! Wild Angaturama can usually be found by other tames usually Docile, it could be protecting a Dodo family, or by some Triceratops! There is also the rare "Tyrian Angaturama", a Angaturama with ALL of its color regions set to 217 "Tyrian", now the size of a Spinosaurus and acts like a TEK Creature, with its max wild level being 180! If you wanna know what that looks like, imagine the Angaturama with the color of this submission's title :] Its essentially a tameable Alpha, just without, you know, the crazy stats <:) It has a 15% CHANCE!!!!! to override a base Angaturama spawn and ONLY spawns in the Yellow and Red spawn areas! Taming As said in the Dossier, Angaturama are easy, and fun, to tame! Simply kill a fish, bring it over near a Angaturama and interact with it to start playing Fetch with it, you will be prompted with a power bar depending on how far you will throw a fish, you will also be able to put Fish Baskets in your hotbar and hold fish inside it, ready to throw! There is a catch though, Angaturama will want a different multiplier of fish every time its fed, you need to get a fish above the said multiplier and 2.0x is the max multiplier it will want! The way the taming mechanic works is simple, the farther the throw and the better the fish, the more taming progress you get! And as an added plus, in case the Taming Effectiveness falls, you can comfort the Angaturama by interacting with it during the Fetch game simply by interacting with it again, this gives a custom petting animation! And once you are done all that... You have tamed an Angaturama! Once tamed, Angaturama can be ridden with or without a saddle, the catch is that you need the saddle for the abilities it holds, including (as mentioned in the dossier) the incubation process! The saddle unlocks at Level 42 and requires half the resources of a Spino Saddle, just without the Silica Pearls. Its saddle has hide skin at the outskirts of it that shakes while moving! Abilities Ritual Boosting: Angaturama can roar and "dance" into what is called a ritual, every Angaturama, once tamed, has 3 select stats it can boost, from Health to even Torpidity Increase/Decrease! The higher the level of your Angaturama, the better stat boosts you get, with a 225+ (Tamed) giving a (default) 150% boost on any stat (is configurable)! You can increase the amount of stats it can boost through breeding, though I will get to that later! Ritual Info: For a configurable amount of time (default 5 minutes), Angaturama will give a certain stat boost to you, itself and tames nearby, there is a cooldown after said stat boost (default 10 minutes), however, stat boosts can stack twice, making for a 300% Boost, however said stacking MUST (even if the cooldown is set shorter than the boost itself) be done by another Angaturama! You can activate the Rituals by accessing the Radial Menu, or while riding it, holding R and accessing the Anga's Sub Radial Menu. The following Rituals do the following boosts: Healing Ritual: Boosts Health! Defense Ritual: Gives 50 Armor Points in every stat! (Is configurable) Mana Ritual: Boosts Stamina! Satiation/Hunger Ritual: Keeps your food bar high (Allies). Are you hungry? (Enemy or Wild) Quenched/Thirsty Ritual: Keeps you quenched (Allies). Drown your enemies without touching them (Enemies or Wild Aquatic creatures). Strength Ritual: Everything seems lighter & increases weight limit! Attack Ritual: Increases Melee! Weakening Ritual: Decreases Melee (Enemies and Wild Creatures) Tranquilization Ritual: Increase Torpor (Enemies and Wild Creatures) Stimulating Ritual: Decrease Torpor (Allies) Incubation: Angaturama acts as an Egg Incubator, giving a 300% Egg Hatching Speed boost to any egg under it, however, only one can be incubated. To incubate an egg, place one under the Angaturama and it will lay down and cuddle the egg in its arm. Once the egg is about to hatch, the Angaturama will get up, and the egg will have just enough temperature long enough for it to hatch! Imprinting: An Angaturama can act as a nanny of some sorts towards babies, if you set an Angaturama on Wandering near a baby and place food in its inventory (the baby will eat the food it's given unless it needs a select food before the Sucho Imprinting), the Angaturama will start to imprint the baby whenever it needs, and will go on small walks with it too! Armadoggo Ability: Angaturama have a "Best Friend" Mode, if an Angaturama is in this mode and it dies, a cooldown for 2 hours starts, once it ends, the Angaturama will respawn where it was originally claimed, tamed or hatched! (The cooldown is configurable) Note: Best Friend Mode can ONLY be on while the Angaturama is stationary, on Wandering or Following. Music Player Saddle: Angaturama has a built-in Music Player on its saddle, blast your favourite ARK tunes! And yes, the BTT themes, SE Ascension, pretty much every track in the game can be played on the saddle! Radiation Protection: Self explanatory lol Breeding Angaturama breeding can be a bit crazy, Angaturama are the only creatures that has a chance to lay 1-3 eggs at a time, however make sure to get them quickly, as an Oviraptor can't grab two or three at the same time, however if they are laying them one at a time, then its OK! DO NOT FRET MY FRIENDS! As this can be disabled in the Anga's Radial Menu! As said before, you can get more stat boosts by breeding Suchomimus! When breeding them, Angaturama have a 10% chance to combine Rituals... on land, Suchomimus in shallow water get a 30% chance to combine Rituals. And that's everything lads! I hope the Angaturama joins ARK as the first Friendly theropod and as the third spinosauridae to join the game! That's all folks, good luck to everyone submitting a creature! Final Notes: Angaturama is just a subname, in reality, the creature is actually called Irritator, the reason why I am calling it Angaturama is because this creature is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what Irritator means (one that annoys lol) -
Daspletosaurus the Bulky and Muscular Tyrannosaurid
radtoter posted a suggestion in Creature Submissions
Name: Daspletosaurus Species: Daspletosaurus wilsoni Time Period: Late Cretaceous Diet: Carnivore Environment/Area: Chalk cliffs Temperament: Aggressive considerably calmer when in presence of other of its species Wild: Daspletosaurus are found in social gatherings at certain times of the day they are considerably more relaxed and docile to most things around them except other Daspletosaurus social gatherings. Once they are done or when they are not gathering, they tend to be your somewhat normal carnivore attacking most if not all Herbivores and other smaller carnivores and omnivores it tends to leave alone as it sees they are not worth the energy spent however the way they like to do so is a bit unusual from any other carnivore I've ever seen Daspletosaurus seems to have at least enhanced intellect compared to its other carnivore counterparts as they remind me of Orcas (Killer Whales) as they tend to play with the bigger creatures and using the build that is more muscular and heavier than a normal Tyrannosaur built to knock around and use their heads and tails for even more enjoyment making the opponent stumble before getting back up again or finishing them off when their on the ground if they get tired of playing with them usually by crushing them using their stronger than normal leg strength to essentially curb-stomp the opponent whenever a chance presents itself no matter how big or the aggressiveness of the target. They also seem to not mind the wild Deinonychus in the area as it does not seem them worthy of playing with. Tamed: Daspletosaurus motto is "The bigger they are the harder they fall" as it with your command and newfound social gathering and/or family of other tames it loves to test itself against even the strongest of carnivores and herbivores alike from Gigas and Carcha's to Megatherium's with their Insect killer buff active and even massive sauropods. They will use their tails to fling rocks and perhaps other types of ammunition at the opponents as they seem to enjoy it using it as target practice however, they do still enjoy their wild counterpart's method of bullying the larger creatures. Daspletosaurus when tamed tend to not like another of its gender of the same species with it when battling or just existing perhaps being around other tames has made it this way either way they do still love to go in there and tank to see how much they can take then at the right time knock the opponents off their feet and toy with them or using one of their limbs to crush the target.-
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