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  1. Welcome back sunken survivors! Hello? Is this thing on? Have that many cobwebs really popped up since I was here last... I mean welcome back to another Sunken Scoop! Apologies for the silence on our end, I've been very AFK for the past while (as in, literally away from my keyboard on holidays). But now I'm very much back in action and ready to give you all the TSW content you've (hopefully) been missing! So, what have we been working on? Well, for starters, Snappin has been busy doing his devkit wizardry and has been working on a brand new creature, Stethacanthus! In addition, he's also done some small improvements to some of Edestus' visuals, namely the inside of its saddle and a new custom heat bar courtesy of ZCI. And finally, ZCI has also cooked up an absolutely beautiful feature piece for the Sunken Liopleurodon! Read on to find out more! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, the Sunken World project is a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the seas in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival! New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves. This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! NEW CONCEPT ART Sunken Liopleurodon Feature Piece The merchants aboard this Sunken Leedsichthys were not expecting company! But despite the prominence of the giant fish in this feature piece, the real stars of the show are the Sunken Liopleurodon! As mentioned last scoop, Sunken Liopleurodon will be an early game torpor-dealing mount, and the survivors in this feature piece are using their concussive capabilities to try to raid the passing Sunken Leedsichthys. ZCI likes to tell a bit of a story with his feature pieces, and you'll tend to see the same characters and creatures across different features. In short, be sure to take another check back at some of his other features to see if you recognise anyone! NEW DEVKIT WORK First a Hammer, Now an Anvil? These guys are friends by the way Here at The Sunken World, we collect only the finest hardware shop-related sharks! With a hammer and a heated blade already in game, it's about time we got an anvil to work on! Stethacanthus will be another shoulder pet option for the undersea explorer, and this adorable little shark will be your go to companion if you need a lookout! With a Steth on your shoulder, you'll be notified of nearby loot crates, max level creatures and explorer notes! They'll also detect how many stacks of the Scratched debuff an enemy has. Scratched is a new upcoming debuff that functions like bleed, and before you go yelling at us, we also hate how bleed works, and Scratched is our way of making bleeds a bit more balanced. Instead of being a fullblown, powerful DOT effect, Scratched slowly builds up to 100 stacks, slowly increasing damage dealt by all sources. At 100 stacks, it becomes a bleed that deals around 8% max health over 12 seconds. Massive thanks of course go to Snappin for all this work! Above are the icons for the different things Stethacanthus can detect. Purple eyes are for crates, orange eyes are for max level dinos and green eyes are for explorer notes. The glow regions for the Stethacanthus (and man are those glowing eyes cute) and the readout for the buildup of Scratched if you have a Steth on your shoulder, respectively. Edestus Fixes/Updates In the next TSW update, some of Edestus' smaller visuals have received some polishing! Namely, a new heat bar readout courtesy of ZCI, and some proper glass textures inside its saddle courtesy of Snappin! Also, it now has the correct textures too! COMMUNITY CORNER The community corner is back for 2025! It's time for a new streak of corners, let's see how long we can keep this going! If you'd like to submit anything, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between to the submissions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Screenshots School of Sphyrna by AvianApex That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! Hope you're excited to tame yourself a new sea-puppy friend in the near future! If you'd like to fawn over the upcoming shark, why not join our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  2. Welcome back sunken survivors! And a belated Happy New Year to you all! Time for me to dust off the old keyboard and start writing the first of many Sunken Scoops for 2025! So lets kick off the year with a little celebration of all things Sunken! We'll start this year off with some reworked concept art! ZCI has been back in the kitchen once again, and has cooked up an absolutely stunning redesign of Sunken Liopleurodon! Snappin has also been hard at work implementing all the lovely icons from Scoop 30 and 31 into the game in the latest update to the mod. Go check it out if you haven't already! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, the Sunken World project is a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the seas in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival! New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves. This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! NEW CONCEPT ART Sunken Liopleurodon Redraw In ZCI's words, "this may be one of my favourite designs I've done for the project ever". Let's face it, while vanilla Liopleurodon is a cute reference, its actual niche in the game leaves much to be desired. So, in TSW's theme of giving some love to the oceans, we've transformed Liopleurodon from a late game trophy tame to an early game torpor tame! Sunken Liopleurodon knows how to throw its weight around, and with its hard pseudo-shell, its smacks have some serious concussive force! In addition, the tough scales provide a decent amount of natural armour! Also, it's a permanent tame now! Massive thanks go to ZCI for this incredible piece, but that's not all! We also have some extra colour concepts alongside a feature of the glow regions on this beautiful beastie! COMMUNITY CORNER New Year, new Community Corner! While we have nothing to show off from all of you lovely people this time around, we're excited to see all the new TSW content you cook up this year! If you have anything you want us to show off to us, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between to the submissions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! We hope you're just as excited about TSW in 2025 as we are! There's so much cool stuff in store, and if you want to join in the fun, or just chat, the best place to do so is our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  3. Welcome back sunken survivors! It's that time again! Sunken Scoop Day is upon us once more! But what is a Sunken Scoop? To give some context to all the new people who've joined our motley crew since our massive update, the Scoop is our unofficial version of the Community Crunch that releases every 2-4 weeks (though we've been really good at keeping it at a fortnightly pace!) where we show off what we've been working on! A few days ago, we released a massive update to the ASA branch of the mod! Snappin has been hard at work for the past week, porting over an absolute truckload of content from ASE. But ports aren't all that's in this update, how can we not talk about Protoceratops, Edestus and the two TLCs, not to mention a slew of new equipment, resources and the like! There's an enormous amount of content to talk about, so keep reading to find out more! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, the Sunken World project is a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the seas in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival! New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves. This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! TSW'S BIGGEST ASA UPDATE (so far) If the video above isn't obvious enough, there is a LOT to talk about when it comes to this update! First off, we have a Youtube channel now! We'll be posting teasers and other TSW-related content over there, so why not sub-scribe. Our first video showcases most of the new content we've added in this update! And speaking of said update, lets get into all the new stuff you can play with! As this update is just so massive, we'll be organising information about the new content into smaller sub-sections. Not everything will be covered in the Scoop though, we want you all to be able to experience some things for the first time yourself! We're just covering the essential, need to know information about the new releases! TLCs This update contains the Ambulocetus and Sphyrna TLCs! As you've seen in previous scoops, NISIS and Scorching_Kami have been cooking up a storm when it comes to these two loveable mascots of TSW. These TLCs are purely visual, meaning that the looks and some animations of the creatures have changed, but mechanics and abilities have remained the same. Ambulocetus will be receiving an update to its saddle design in the near future, courtesy of NISIS! New Creatures In addition to the TLCs, there's also three brand new creatures to check out! Edestus and Protoceratops have arrived to the mod, and Diadema (sea urchin) has ascended from ASE! We've seen a lot of love for these new additions, and an equal amount of questions on how to tame them, so we'll give a short summary below. Edestus These hot-headed sharks are excellent at cutting your foes down to size. Feed them sparkpowder, gasoline or thermite to get them fired up, literally! Feeding your Edestus the aforementioned resources will cause it to build heat, which will cause its attacks to do more damage! It also cooks and smelts resources while heated up. Edestus is a KO tame. In preferential order, it eats Thermite, Gasoline and Sparkpowder, and will eat raw meat when tamed. Thermite can only be gathered from the corpses of wild Edestus for the time being, there will be proper nodes to gather from on the TSW map when it releases. Protoceratops This adorable little dinosaur has quite the sweet tooth! Protoceratops is perfectly adapted to tracking down its favourite food, fruit! Harvesting trees with these ceratopsians will yield fruit instead of the normal wood and thatch. This fruit can be used as a substitute for crops, or can be eaten to provide buffs to players! In addition, if you feed your Protoceratops fruit, it will go on a sugar rush, increasing its movement speed and damage. Finally, Protoceratops are able to warn you of inclement weather, giving a series of chirps and squeaks when a storm approaches! Protoceratops is a passive tame. Feed the little fellows Simple Kibble, Fruit, or Berries. Diadema Look but don't touch! The Diadema, or Sea Urchin, is a spiky little invertebrate that lives on the seafloor. Their long spines can be used as a substitute for Spear Bolts! These can be harvested from their corpses, or produced in the inventory of tamed urchins over time. Sea Urchins are passive tames. They'll only accept Kelp as taming food, but will eat berries when tamed. New Equipment There's so much new equipment, if we explained all of it, we'd be here all day! So, we'll just be covering a few of the bigger additions we've made to the equipment/structure roster. Discovering the rest is up to you (or you can just check the roster channels on our Discord :p)! Sea Scale Armour Also known as: your best friend in the underwater early game! Sea Scale is the hide equivalent to SCUBA, providing a bonus to your swim speed with the full set. In addition, the helmet provides a small decrease to the rate of oxygen drain. Sea Scale Armour is crafted with sea scales (duh) and seagrass. Sea scales can be harvested from TSW's fish, or vanilla fish using the stone/diving knife. Seagrass can be harvested from underwater plants with the same knives. Stone/Diving Knife Some of you may remember the TSW Converter from the ASE branch, and these items are the ASA alternative! The Stone/Diving Knives can be used on certain vanilla resource nodes/creatures to yield TSW resources from them. Currently they can be used to harvest sea scales from Coelacanths and Megapiranha, and seagrass from underwater plants. Rotisserie Chuck a fish on the campfire! This structure serves as a far earlier game alternative to the industrial grill. It's essentially a faster campfire with more slots, but if you need to cook up a hefty fish dinner fast, this is the structure for you. Thermite Scope Struggling to see your enemies in the gloom of the night, or the depths of the ocean? Why not try the Thermite Scope! This weapon attachment has a thermal vision effect, allowing you to see even the stealthiest of enemies! Weapon not included... The Thermite Scope, unsurprisingly, requires thermite to craft. COMMUNITY CORNER The corner is still alive and kicking! And with the new update, we can't wait to see what adventures you get up to in TSW! If you have anything you want to show off, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Artwork Spearfishing by Dinobros2000 That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! After all that reading, why don't you go play with all the new features in the update! Also, if you're looking for an amazing community to talk about TSW with, why not come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ArkTheSunkenWorld Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  4. Welcome back sunken survivors! Another two weeks, another Sunken Scoop! But what is a Sunken Scoop? To give some context to all the new folks we've had joining the discord server,, it's our unofficial version of the Community Crunch, that releases every 2-4 weeks (though we've been really good at keeping it at a fortnightly pace!), where we show off what we've been working on! These past two weeks, TLCs have been a big thing on our mind! For those who aren't aware already, all our creatures in the ASE branch of the mod will be receiving model upscaling and touchups over time, to bring them up to speed with the level of detail ASA demands. Thanks to Kami's hard work, Sphyrna has a nice and shiny new model! In addition, we're following in WildCard's footsteps and doing a tree reveal of our own! Our fruit trees have gotten a lovely custom look thanks to RexMyPet. And sticking to the theme of TLCs, Shonisaurus has received a visual touch up thanks to ZCI! Read on to find out more! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! SPHYRNA TLC Here comes my shark in shining armour! Thanks to Kami's wizardry, Sphyrna's remastered model is complete! As stated previously, this TLC is completely visual, as we feel Sphyrna's niche is strong enough as it is. Its ability to detect metal will be especially important once the TSW map comes out... no resource maps for you on our custom map! Kami is currently doing some slight touch ups on Sphyrna's animations and saddle, but once those are finished... it's hammer time! If you're looking for a comparison to Sphyrna's old model, check out Sunken Scoop 17! Look at that wear and tear on the head plates of our ore-smashing shark! Kami has really put a ton of the LC into this TLC SOMETHING FRUITY Happy Pride Month! We heard about this month being fruity so we decided to join in the fun! Back in ASE, our fruits were harvestable from trees that looked exactly the same as those in vanilla. While this worked well for the Crabnuts, for every other fruit it was a bit out of place. Bananas from a palm tree anyone? We decided very early on that we wanted some nice custom models for the trees in ASA! This will make them easy to spot at a glance, in addition to breathing a bit more life into the surface areas of the map. While TSW is primarily an aquatic experience, getting that tropical island feel is very important to us! And hey, they'll make excellent decorations if you put them in some plant pots too! Again, thanks go to RexMyPet for providing us with these precious palms and beautiful bananas! We're also considering making these fruits farmable in crop plots! We're still deciding how and what they'll require to grow, so we'll keep you posted when we have some more details. SHONISAURUS FEATURE PIECE UPDATE Shastasaurus? Never heard of her! ZCI felt that his older Shonisaurus feature piece needed a bit of a touch up, so he went and gave the big ichthyosaur a fresh coat of paint! This new piece shows off a lot more of Shoni's unique characteristics, like its love for eating invertebrates and its ability to create vortexes to hunt! There's also a small teaser of Abyssal Saurichthys' pod saddle! COMMUNITY CORNER Three is most certainly quite the charm! That's three scoops in a row we've gotten some amazing content from our community to share! We're absolutely loving all the stuff you've been sharing with us! If you have anything you want to show off, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Clips and Videos Creator: DarkEdgeTV DarkEdgeTV is back at it again with another excellent showcase of TSW's creatures! If you're looking for everything you need to know about Sphyrna and Saurichthys, this video is the place to go! Artwork Omnidens Fan Sculpt by NavyTheDodo S'mores! by Dinobros2000 Screenshots Don't talk to me or my son ever again by KingRiley That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! Sphyrna's upscaled model is truly something spectacular... but that tree reveal though! If you're looking for even more TSW content, why not come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  5. Welcome back sunken survivors! The past two weeks have really flown by for us! No, seriously, why is 2024 moving so quickly? I swear it was just January last week. Unfortunately, the speed of the past fortnight has caused most of the TSW team to be caught up in a ton of real life stuff. There's still plenty to share with you, just no fancy new pictures to show off. However, we've got a ton of fun stuff coming soon! Read on to find out what's coming next to the ASA branch of the mod, learn about the AMA we're hosting and see the behind the scenes development of Henodus! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! WHAT'S NEXT? More creatures. No, seriously. Jokes aside though, the release of Scorched Earth may lead you to believe that the prospect of new TSW creatures is looking a bit dry at the moment, but it's quite the contrary! Snappin is currently working on porting all of our lovely fish from ASE to ASA. Bothriolepis, Lepidotes, Materpiscis and the mean annoying one Saurichthys are coming soon to a body of water near you! And if you're on a desert ARK with barely a drop of water in sight, after the fish have settled into the sea, Protoceratops will be making its debut on Scorched! In less cryptic terms, we're working on porting over the fish first, and once those are done, Protoceratops will be coming to Scorched Earth! Below is an old teaser of the fruit-addicted ceratopsian from ASE's devkit! TSW TEAM'S AMA What's that meant to stand for? Abnormally Massive Anomalocaris? No! That's an Ask Me Anything! Over in our Discord, we've been getting a ton of really engaging questions from the community over the past few weeks, which have been super enjoyable for us to answer! It really means a lot to us seeing how everyone is just as excited as we are for the future of TSW! So, we thought we should open the floor to any burning questions that people have about all the factors that go into TSW. There's a new temporary channel in our discord to ask us about anything from our creature design process to modelling and more! We'll answer everything we can, except for things like ETAs and release dates. Those aren't fun and interesting questions, and come with the curse of ARK release dates. COMMUNITY CORNER In a solar eclipse, people get the chance to witness two planetary bodies align, in an incredibly rare and beautiful event. But a Sunken Scoop with a Community Corner is even rarer! Go check out the fun submissions we've gotten these past two weeks! In addition to the AMA we're hosting, if you have anything else TSW related you'd like to share, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Clips and Videos Creator: DarkEdgeTV DarkEdgeTV is back with another feature, and this time everyone's favourite pancake is getting its time in the spotlight! Make sure to give her Henodus stacking challenge an attempt! That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! Lots more to come in the next few weeks, and please do come over to our discord to ask us those questions! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  6. Welcome back sunken survivors! Here's an o-fish-shoal statement from the TSW team, there's been a lot of fishy business these past two weeks! As always the terrible jokes are all part of the theme because we're revealing another TLC we've got in the works, Sphyrna! Our very own undersea Anky is getting a massive visual touch up for ASA courtesy of Scorching Kami. In addition, we're also giving everyone's (least) favourite scourge of the sea, Saurichthys, some love too! We've got some concept art of the visual touch ups the "lizard fish" will be receiving to match the theming of other creatures on TSW. In addition, it's also getting a brand new Abyssal variant! Read on to find out more! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! SPHYRNA TLC Our "hammer" might turn into a pan after all the cooking Kami did on its model! Sphyrna is currently in the process of upscaling, and man is this shark looking beautiful! Sphyrna was actually one of the first creatures added to the mod, so it's certainly very exciting to see it be brought up to ASA's quality and level of detail! Much like Ambulocetus' TLC, the attention that Sphyrna is being given is purely visual. Sphyrna's abilities will be remaining unchanged, its niche is perfect as is! ONE FISH, TWO FISH... Old fish, new fish! As mentioned earlier, Saurichthys is receiving a fresh coat of paint and a terrifying bigger cousin! If you haven't heard already, we're in the process of porting over all our fish to Ascended, and when we got to Saurichthys, we realised it was missing a much needed glow! A big part of the theming in TSW's roster is that every creature has a healthy shine to them, both as a reference to real world marine biology and due to some very important lore... Enough teasing though, you're here for the art! ZCI has gone above and beyond in his rendering of backgrounds and lighting, so go check out Saurichthys' new groove! Reef Saurichthys Native to the surface waters, the Reef Saurichthys (just your stock standard Saur' in game) patrols the sunlit reaches of the sea. While it's much more suited to chasing down smaller prey, these nimble fish have been known to snatch survivors right off their mounts! While too small to ride, they make for excellent early game guard dogs! Abyssal Saurichthys Nope. The deep sea is a hostile environment, so the life down there had to get even more hostile! Abyssal Saurichthys is the far larger, far more menacing cousin of those that live in the surface waters. These giants are a lot more indiscriminate in what they eat, with food being so scarce in the deep sea... so you're on the menu! Stronger, larger and maybe just a bit faster, the Abyssal Saurichthys is a formidable foe... or mount! Due to their increased size, these fish are rideable! COMMUNITY CORNER Seems you guys heard our plea to feature your content, because we got some submissions over the past two weeks! We love seeing the community sharing their love for our little project, so if you have anything you want to show off, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Artwork An 'artist's' rendition of Ambulocetus by occasionallymalicious Inside the mind of a Sphyrna by Pyroha That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! Hope you're just as excited as we are to see more of Sphyrna's TLC/ready to make a run for it the moment Abyssal Saurichthys is in game! If you want even more TSW, why not come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  7. Welcome back sunken survivors! It's time for another edition of the Sunken Scoop! What is a Sunken Scoop though? Well, for all the new denizens of our discord, it's our unofficial version of the Community Crunch, releasing every 2-4 weeks (though we've been really good at keeping it at a fortnightly pace!), where we show off what we've been working on! So what's in the scoop this time around? Well, last week we released 4 new fish into the seas of the ARK network! We'll be giving those new creatures a nice spotlight below! In addition, we're bringing back an old sunken variant with a fresh coat of paint. Let's give Sunken Liopleurodon a warm welcome back! We've also got a new piece of feature art for Sunken Plesiosaurus! Finally, we'll go over some size changes to a variety of creatures in our mod. Read on to find out more! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! NEW FISH Saurichthys That's a mean set of teeth! Saurichthys is a medium sized predator that patrols the waves, ready to snatch up an unaware survivor in a similar fashion to the Kaprosuchus of the swamps! These lean, mean, fish-killing machines deal bonus damage to smaller fish! If you want to add one to your school, you'll have to knock one out and feed it Regular Kibble or Prime Fish. While they may not recieve a pack bonus, having a small pack of these living torpedos is an excellent method to dismount enemy survivors! Materpiscis This placoderm makes for the perfect parent! Materpiscis is one of the best nannies in the sea, taking excellent care of any young aquatic creatures. They'll happily feed babies, no matter the size, until they are old enough to feed from a trough! Despite its rough exterior, its jaws are delicate enough to pick up the eggs of other sea creatures. In addition, this won't anger the parents, as Materpiscis has a symbiotic relationship with many species where they will guard other creatures' eggs as if they were their own! To tame one of these fosterly fish, simply passively feed them Simple Kibble or Prime Fish. Bothriolepis and Lepidotes Step aside Coelacanth, there's two new fish in town! Bothriolepis and Lepidotes may be a lot more ambient than the other new additions, but that doesn't mean they don't have their uses! Currently, these fish are untameable, but we are working on a unique taming method for our smaller sea life! Bothriolepis can be harvested for a surplus of chitin, alongside trace amounts of black pearls. On the other hand, harvesting Lepidotes yields an abundance of sea scales and raw fish meat. Sea scales are a substitute for hide, and will become more useful as we add more features from the ASE branch to ASA. NEW SUNKEN VARIANT CONCEPT ART Sunken Liopleurodon It's a Sunken Liopleurodon Charlie! (does that reference make me look old?) After being archived due to a lack of a unique niche, this pliosaur is back and more stunning that ever (literally)! While not as magical as its vanilla counterpart, this creature certainly has some tricks up its sleeve! With a hard pseudo-shell, it receives enough natural armour that survivors have taken to just riding it bareback! Furthermore, it can use these hardened scales like a battering ram, swimming alongside creatures and throwing its weight against them in a concussive shove! A lot of its design inspiration comes from the leatherback turtle, a deep diving, jellyfish eating giant from the modern day! While Sunken Liopleurodon may not have an affinity for harvesting biotoxin, it does share a resistance to stings and the deep diving nature of its real world source material! Thanks to ZCI for this beautiful feature piece. Sunken Plesiosaur Why the long(er) face? We've shown off Sunken Plesiosaurus before, but it's about time this big lad got a feature piece! To recap, S. Plesiosaurs have gotten a much needed facelift, and now have a dash attack! In addition, unless you're a fish, these giants are a lot more gentle than their vanilla relatives! They won't attack you unless you hit them first. Again, thank you to ZCI for the artwork! GO BIG OR GO SMALL? Did you want that creature small, medium or large? Our creature roster has seen a lot of changes over the years, but you've probably never seen one of this scale. While we do love our supersized creatures, we found ourselves thinking "how in the ARK's blue seas are people going to be able to keep these animals in their bases??" Water pens have the added difficulty of having to consider 3D space to keep your creatures safe from harm. On land, you only need to consider walls, but in the sea you might need both a ceiling AND a floor to protect your tames! For that reason, alongside the fact it would get downright silly trying to breed or display these creatures in your average base, we decided to shuffle some sizes around! The best way we came up with to make our creatures seem larger was to reduce the sizes of some sunken variants. Making the "vanilla" creatures feel smaller that meant that even with the downsizes, our own creatures would still be feel larger by comparison and have that "ocean kaiju" feel we want for the mod. Not everything is smaller though, we've increased the size of a few creatures to make their sizes match their new strength! People have asked us many times about how big <insert creature> is over the years, so hopefully this size comparison is just the thing you've all been waiting for! Thanks again to ZCI for organising this amazing artwork, which also contains some images made by Lowkey, RRG and Nitrin the Dead! COMMUNITY CORNER Christmas has come early, we've gotten two scoops in a row with a community corner! Can we make that a hat trick? Jokes aside we really do love seeing the community sharing their love for our little project, so if you have anything you want to show off, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Artwork Turtle Castle by dinobros2000 Close One by dinobros2000 Screenshots Anomalocaris by mangostars That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! With the new fish, Sunken Liopleurodon and the new sizes, there's plenty in store when it comes to the future of TSW! If you want even more TSW content, why not come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  8. Welcome back sunken survivors! There was a lot of quizzical activity in the past two weeks, literally! The TSW AMA was full of some amazing questions, and we thoroughly enjoyed answering everything you asked us! We've organised all the questions and answers we gave into this scoop, so you can (maybe) find out something new you didn't know about the project. In addition, NISIS is back casting his magic spells on Ambulocetus, and we've got an amazing WIP of its saddle design to show off! Keep reading to find out more! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! AMBULOCETUS TLC PROGRESS That water puppy is looking very well dressed! NISIS has started work on Ambulocetus' saddle design, and it's well and truly shaping up to be something magnificent! We decided early on (as you can tell from the concept art) that this saddle should have a bit more life to it than your average vanilla saddle. The days of plain brown leather straps and seats are gone, say hello to the new hotness! ANSWERS FROM THE AMA After 2 weeks of time, and 22 questions worth of answers, it seems there's a lot of things that you want to know about TSW! Below you can find all the answers to your burning questions, organised neatly into related topic sections! Protoceratops! What does it do, where does it spawn, etc. Our loveable little ceratopsian will most likely be spawning on Scorched Earth/maps with deserts until the TSW map drops. Protoceratops' main niche on the TSW map will be gathering fruit from trees (these fruits provide Aberration mushroom style buffs when eaten). They're also excellent at using their animalistic instincts to predict the weather! However, to give them functionality off of their native map, they'll function like truffle pigs, gathering increased amounts of rare flowers and rare mushrooms. We also got a few questions about combat ability on the little guys. Protoceratops is intended to be an early game mount, so expect more early game damage output and tankiness. While it's still very early in development, it will most likely be like a more agile, less tanky Trike! What went into creating the TSW Team? How do you decide who gets into the team? How would I make a modding team myself? This was a fun question! For the most part, a lot of the people in the TSW team got in thanks to "right place, right time", including me! However, when it comes to adding more team members, that tends to stem from what the project needs most. As we've said many a time, we desperately need some animators and devkit coders, so right now that's what we're looking for. When it comes to making your own team, it's important to consider what you can do yourself, then get someone to help fill in the gaps! For example, if you can do art and 3D modelling, you'd want someone who can animate and code. It's less about team size and more about diversity of skills, though we do have quite a large team to make sure we're covering all our bases when it comes to modding for ARK! However, the most important part of making a team is to make sure everyone gets along! In the TSW team, everyone hates each other! Seriously though, behind the scenes we're basically like a big weird family. All of us are super passionate about the project and just generally really enjoy each other's company, and that makes creating this mod even more enjoyable What creatures are next? How do you decide what's coming next? As mentioned previously, our current plans are to port over the fish from ASE, then start work on Proto. In addition, we have Ambulocetus' TLC coming up too! When it comes to deciding what creatures we add next, it's down to "mysterious brain goblins". Unironically though, we do have a more loosey goosey approach to what comes out next. Since snappin is our one man army when it comes to coding, the most important thing for us to consider is to avoid burnout for him and the rest of the team. It's also why we don't say too many release dates in regards to updates and new content. At the end of the day, we're just a dedicated team of ARK fans, so we try to keep things more fun and casual so we don't stress ourselves out. While we can't make any promises for what's coming next, expect creatures from ASE to be more likely than entirely new ones. As we've been saying half to death, our need for animators is a massive bottleneck, so we really need those before we can start work on the new creatures coming to ASA. How will <insert upcoming creature here> work? What're its stats, abilities and so on? With the way we design creatures, we don't tend to know exact stats until later in the development process. We also don't want to make promises on super specific mechanics in case we are unable to code them in due to limitations in the devkit. However, we tend to base power levels around similarly strong vanilla creatures, tuned up or down depending on their niches. However, all of our upcoming creatures will be tameable! We always found that being unable to tame some creatures in vanilla was really sad. Everything on the roster will function like a proper pet/mount/war-beast! What's the map going to be like on ASA? Will there be ruins? How will building work? Etc etc. First off, how big is it going to be? Simple question, simple answer. Most likely, it'll be a bit larger than The Island. In ASE, the map was comparable in size to a deeper version of The Center. The ocean won't just be a border to the map, it'll be an interconnected habitat full of life, far more interesting than the 100,000 Megalodons of most other maps! Another change from the ASE branch will be redesigning how Scurvy works. We may even end up removing it. Another exciting part of TSW for us is sharing the story behind the map! We are working on this behind the scenes, and can't wait to use ruined structures, like the Sunken City, to do a bit of environmental storytelling! In most cases, much like vanilla ARK, these ruins be able to be built and lived in, allowing for some fun RP opportunities. We aren't ready to show anything involving this story, as it's still heavy in development, but we're very excited to see you uncover the mysteries of TSW! In terms of building, it'd be dumb to have you guys wait all the way until vacuum compartments before you can live under the waves. Henodus is an excellent early game option, but for a more permanent residence Coral tier structures are going to be your go to! These living buildings will be oxygenated by our native Plant Species O, a giant alien kelp that produces fruits filled with air. Again, we're not entirely sure how the mechanics will work in game, but we are planning to have a singular Species O function like an oxygen generator for your whole base. We may end up having to make it more of an AOE like the Henodus though. We want Plant Species O to spawn in the wild like Z does. You'll be able to collect seeds from them to grow your own, or even build directly on top of a wild one for a quick and dirty home in the deep blue! There's also a bit of pressure to your way of aquatic life thanks to... uhh... the pressure! As you go deeper, the crushing darkness of the deep sea can kill! These zones will function like the radiation zones on Aberration, meaning you'll need to be well equipped to explore them, but you won't be punished for starting to dip your toes into the depths. Also, just like Ab, some creatures will be immune to the effects of these areas. Originally, we wanted pressure to be a slowly increasing debuff that restricted creatures to mostly their native depth levels, but decided against it. Realism is great and all, but when it gets in the way of a fun experience exploring a map, that's not worth it! Finally, no map would be complete without bosses! We've got <redacted>, <redacted> and <redacted> planned as our big bosses! Sorry folks, the bosses are going to be staying secret for now. We're still deciding on if they'll be world or arena bosses, but we do know that we want players to be able to bring almost anything to fight them! A lot of the team agrees, it really sucks breeding up a cool creature, only to be barred from using it in a boss fight because the game said so. What about ASE? We've said this one before, and we'll say it again. We'd love to keep both versions of the mod updated, but with snappin as our only coder that's just not possible. We're focusing our efforts purely on the ASA branch, as that's a lot more promising for modding. What about the future of TSW? Any new creatures planned? ARK 2? Other projects? As it stands, there will be no more unique creature additions to the creature roster. Our project is super ambitious already, so we can't fit more creatures in the pipeline. In terms of other projects similar to TSW, there's nothing planned at the moment, but that's not to say that it isn't out of the question. Same goes for ARK 2, we'd much prefer to finish everything we need to get done for TSW in ASA than jump ship another time, especially since we know so little about it. COMMUNITY CORNER We should start calling this the community chasm, because most of the time it's a big hole with nothing in it! Only joking around of course, but if you do have anything you'd like to share, please feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! Hope you're excited to see more of Ambulocetus, and thank you for submitting so many questions to the AMA! Come vibe in our discord if you want to see more TSW! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
  9. Welcome back coastal critters! These past two weeks, we accidentally left the oven on... but thankfully snappin and NISIS decided to use it to really cook! Sphyrna splashed-landed into ASA's oceans, alongside some reworked animations for Ambulocetus. But that's not the only thing we're reworking on the blubbery puppy, Ambulocetus is receiving a complete visual overhaul/TLC! We also have new concept art to share: reworked Blue Whale and Pterygotus feature pieces and a new Sunken variant: the Sunken Karkinos! Enough hyping though, keep reading to see all the amazing things we have to share! If you're new to our little community, this paragraph is for you! You're probably wondering what this "Sunken Scoop" thing even is! It's essentially our fun way of sharing updates on modding progress, in a community-crunch style format. We try to release one every two weeks! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! SPHYRNA HAS ASCENDED! Stop! Hammer time! Sphyrna was released in ASA last week, so it's the perfect time for a creature feature! With its literal hammer-head, it can smash clean through any rocky resources beneath the waves, all while swimming laps around the sluggish Dunkleosteus! While it has less weight reduction than the giant placoderm, an additional ability to detect oil and metal nodes with electroreception makes it an excellent undersea gatherer! In addition, its rough skin is the perfect texture for filing down materials, leading most survivors to turn its saddle into a mobile smithy! Sphyrna are simple KO tames. Just fire some tranq arrows into them, then feed them meat or Regular kibble. They much prefer a nice cut of fish meat over prime from a land creature though! TSW'S FIRST TLC I'm not the first, nor will I be the last to say this. NISIS cooked so hard on this thing. After TSW released to ASA, we received a lot of feedback about our loveable land whale that encouraged us to revisit its design. After adjusting its mechanics so that they weren't so powerful, we decided to update its visuals to be more in line with ASA! We've given Ambulocetus way more features that link it to its real world counterpart, while still keeping some of its more adorable ARK-ified traits like its blowhole-nose. Honestly though, there isn't much to say about the blubbery puppy when a picture paints a thousand words! Look at NISIS' amazing modelling work! In addition to the updated look, Ambulocetus is also getting a brand new saddle! Why not bring some ARK II inspired saddle designs to ASA, with some hollow-bone storage compartments and prehistoric-themed decals! While all these features are only visual, they sure are awesome to look at! Ambulocetus' New Groove This part of the TLC deserves its own section! Alongside Sphyrna releasing, snappin also worked on overhauled animations! Below are some comparisons between the old and the new. While usually it's bad to have too many cooks in the kitchen, snappin and NISIS working together for this TLC is truly something amazing! In order of appearance, we have the reworked Level Up and Metabolic Rush animations, then the brand new eating animation! There's also a few more for you to discover in game! NEW CONCEPT ART Blue Whale Now that is one big boy! ZCI has reworked the Blue Whale's feature piece to really sell the absolute enormity of the lad! It's not everyday you can see a creature that dwarfs a Leedsichthys. In addition, you can even see growths of algae and barnacles on the giant whale, which are part of its organic-Tek-Stryder-like mechanics! Pterygotus You'll have to get your forklift/Pterygotus certification to ride this beast! Once again, ZCI has delivered another incredible piece of invertebrate art! The reworked feature piece serves to showcase Pterygotus with much more detail and personality! But who's that in the corner fighting this giant eurypterid... Sunken Karkinos HOLY CRAB! After a very convincing presentation from ZCI, we decided it would be in our best interests to give the Karkinos a classic TSW themed rework! Sunken Karkinos will be able to jump far better than its cavernous cousin while underwater, and can switch up its style of fighting by alternating between a pair of slashing or crushing claws! And with some inspiration from Kraken's Better Dinos, we're giving it a small platform saddle as well! In addition, we're going to try our hardest to allow it to grab aquatic creatures! COMMUNITY CORNER There still seems to be quite a lot of buzz in the ARK community regarding TSW! It's been really awesome seeing how much love has been coming our way! If you have anything you'd like to share, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submissions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter! Clips and Videos Creator: PANDA_WZ A wonderful video from the French side of our community that showcases the taming and abilities of the first three creatures in the mod! That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop! Certainly lots to be excited about in TSW's future. We can't wait to release the visual part of Ambulocetus' TLC! If you want to see more TSW content, why not come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions
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