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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Caggo

  1. My wife and i play pve official servers.  We returned to our old aberation server after a six month heitus from arm and couldn't even build a small base because come tribes think the whole server is there's.  They had every inch of it pillard.  The server had an average of about 6 people logged in at any given time.  We checked out other servers and did manage to find one that isn't crazy pillard.

    We also returned to our scorched server.  Cant find anyplace there either....   I manage to build a 4 x 4 shack within a short run of water but in only because they must of got cheap with the pillars.  We searched every inch of the water way.  Most waterways have fenced surrounding them and have pillers out on all cliffs and even out into the desert.  Lots of great space but it is unbuildable...   on scorched official servers you cant run a pipe to a well so you are forced to be near the water.  You can get to the water without flyers because the water is gated...  I will be on the hunt for a different scorcehed server tonight.

    Haven't been back to raganork. It was so bad six months ago....  I'm sure it's worse now.

    I do understand that pillars are great to keep people from blocking resources...  I do understand they keep roadways open.   I do understand it keeps people from building so close to you that you can't expand or even add to your building....

    But pillars suck when abused.    Make key resources area not buildable like drops but with a smaller foot print.   Or make buildings affect metal crystal obsidian differently Make pillars that are within redraw sight of your base carry the bases demolish time.   PLEASE get rid of the pillar spamming.  If you make it to where there is no need to use pillars for legitimate reasons then the will be no push back for a short timer.

    Blah blah... pillars suck

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