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Early Birds
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Posts posted by ArkisTrashed

  1. Wildcard y don't u just listen to the money makers (the people who bought this game) and actually fix this damn game, stop bringing out new content and fix all the bugs in this game, listen to the players u ignorant morons, u r simply the worst gaming company atm, I thought activition was bad but wildcard u simply blow them out the water as I said u don't listen to the players, u never fix bugs, your stopping evolution events now FOR NO REASON on official server's u r creating new content that im sure is gonna be buggy as all hell, all u care about is MONEY thats it, I can do a way better job at creating and fixing a game then u can wildcard and I know nothing about games so come on players of ark lets talk with our wallets and not buy this broken game that wildcard clearly don't care about and show this rat sh*t company what we the players can do

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