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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Ksiraan

  1. I "like" that PvE nerf. Especially because server i play on is overpopulated by chinese Dino-dumps and its always capped. Will(not) be able to tame more dinos and breed my allos. Also thoughts on "fresh" servers - DAY 1: Big alliances of players come to fresh servers. On next week they claim tons of important land and tame thousands of dodos (or other small creatures). Then they feed them once a week and refresh cooldown on pillars up until day 60. DAY 61: Fresh server enables transferring. Almost all dodos will be transfered\killed and those tribes will transfer their dinos to new servers, creating dino dumps to reduce their servers CAPS and breed some dinos. Thanks WC for disabling last way to reduce CAP. Great game. More dodo taming tribes in future.
    P.S. will you enable regional servers please? Chinese players are cancer, they dino dump, they use exploits to get recources and dino levels.
    P.P.S. Im really raging from that update, sorry if you consider anything offencive.

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