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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Xaikhan

  1. they lied to you? you do know how testing goes right? this is/was an early access game....you were paying to test....to help figure out the bugs....i dont understand what people dont get about this. Do you know that when something is broken and the company does not have a return policy you get a new item right? well you are getting new servers they are offering to fix the problem for you all you have to do is trade in the broken (servers) for a new one. do you think stores let you keep part of something they are offering to fix? just because you were so simple minded to think that they were going to keep the orig test servers up and 100% supported and put money and resources into after they had serverd there purpose is no ones fault but your own. the other games ive tested did not even keep the test servers up it was a complete wipe and they give you a small token of appreciation for helping them test the game normally some cosmetic or decorative thing. i joined the game when it was pretty early access but like a dummy i played via game share and did not own the game so i had to buy the game about a month ago personally (and SE) so that was $80+ and i knew what i was doing .... i could have waited for the game to be fixed and officially released but i didnt i dont think i have any more say so then some one that paid what $40 for game + SE or what ever it was...NO... its just seems kind of odd that most people that i know and play with (X1) are waiting for the new servers because of the cheating and exploits, so why are people wanting to stay on these servers if its not for the stuff that was cheated into the game? i dont have an outrageous amount of game to im just a little of 2k hours but if it takes me starting over then so be it if they fix the cheating. i dont feel lied to but then again this isnt my first rodeo!


  2. LOL they are dropping support because the ones that are on the Legacy servers more then likely have duped crap ...if you didnt dupe it then someone else did ...why would they help the ones that exploited bugs when "they were only doing it to show how broken it was so WC would fix it?"  you were not helping you were hurting the game and destroying the community because you couldnt play a game legitly. i know, no one duped it was all a lie LOL if you want support that bad join the new servers and start fresh like the ones that didnt/couldnt play with all the cheating going on in the Legacy servers. if you didnt cheat and you had so much stuff then it shouldnt be that hard to get back to where you were on the old servers. and yes my SE server is on the cut list but they can delete the character as i dont plan on playing on those cancerous servers anymore ill just play on the new servers with the new bugs and exploits


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