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Early Birds
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Posts posted by LostFish

  1. I'm primitive.... Is it sooo insane to want to be able to smear ammonite bile all over myself? I get not being allowed pheromone darts, but it would help with taming (namely solo) to be able to 'use'/'remote use' it on me and my pets (turtles).

             Also, I'm primitive PvE, Dismounting pets are mostly worthless trophy tames... why? Why not change that? Why not give everyone a legitimate reason to use the toy lance you made (A real lance would kill things... that's what real lances were for... killing things while mounted...)  Like what if there was a freaking person sized un-tame-able parasite thing (like a mosquito?) that 'mounts' wild dinos and say buffs them up a little bit and makes them aggressive (Like it drinks CSF and uses a neurotoxin to force it's food to defend it.) 

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