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About kiohecate

  • Birthday November 6

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  1. Hey you still interested cam I'm doing pvp events on the server and dino races

  2. Hello peeps and diehard ark players as you all know I'm new to this site but would like to inform you we are going official soon it costed us alot of money to do so there are an alpha tribe who does keep peace on the server so yes if you get raided normally it's different but if you get attacked trolled they will step in and wipe them tribes if they don't listen they do trading of all kinds and they have tek gear as long as you download from another server to this one once it goes official all boosted stats will be reduced to wild cards settings they are giving away free tek gear to anyone who has a tribe who recommend 10 ppl within their tribe once they do that you get all tek gear and elements to use to get 50 ppl you get all the tek stuff replicator etc they have no spawns in tames or etc I don't allow other admins for its cheating. Hit up RCG HECATE when you are ready to receive your gear. Keep in mind you must have the engram unlocked to use tek.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Assassin153426


      How do we join up? I've been to too many officials where the server is ran by jerks

    3. kiohecate


      I'm not a jerk and sorry for so late of a reply if you don't want to go on our official server we have another one you can play on and build its going official in 4 months so will give u time to build look for kio hecate gamertag and send me a message I'm a good alpha and like to have peace on a server I understand it's pvp but trolling ppl is a no no.

    4. kiohecate


      The official server is na xboxnotaming 1 center and the other is the same except it's the island

  3. Hello we are looking for people to play on our dedicated server ROFLCOREGAMING is the server name on xbox one add RCG HECATE as friend and I'll invite to game

  4. Also we have a total of 20 tribe members we are not recruiting at the moment but when we do we will post it on here look for RCG HECATE and ask her to invite you to game

  5. Hello we are looking for people to play on our dedicated server ROFLCOREGAMING is the server name on xbox one

    1. CamShaftTheCollector23


      If this is still valid and you wish for someone to join, I would love the opportunity, My Gamertag is STER01DJUNK13. Please respond to my message on here or send me a message/Friend Request on Xbox Live. I eagerly await your response.

    2. kiohecate


      Ok please feel free to build on our server will be official soon by the end of the month so come join us on the server host is KIO HECATE gamertag 

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