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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Ashen

  1. so, it's Sunday now, this nonsense isn't getting reverted yet...

    come on i need to farm stuff, where is my progression wildcard? is one of the many things that got me hooked to the game and play on officials, even after getting wiped by megatribes, my tribemates and i would just start over again working towards that great sense of progression this game offered. We worked hard, i know everyone did, to get good flying tames and make progress getting resources and then expanding,and then walked that extra mile breeding, coming to the rescue of other members and tribes in our flyers, it felt really special, even more in scorched earth where you start off so harshly and you cant even picture yourself getting wyverns for yourself. That feeling of progression and accomplishment is gone, killed for no good reason. I understand the complains of the people asking for this, and i wouldn't mind if it just affected combat but its affecting resource gathering as well. This isn't right, you can't just defecate over everyone's hard work like this, because that's what this game is mostly about, specially in official servers, hardwork with your tribe and the rest of the people in the server.

    Fix whatever needs to be fixed but don't take away great stuff from your great game.

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