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Status Updates posted by Marilyn

  1. The wall is finished! Dx

    Seriously, can't see more walls anymore @___@

    I did count the walls when placed and used a quick and simple calculation based on that how many Wooden fence foundation supports I made.


    The wall is made off:

    5285 Wooden fence foundation support.
    5047 Stone walls.
    5 Stone dinosaur gate frames.
    5 Stone dinosaur gates.
    3 Stone behemoth gate frames.
    3 Stone behemoth gates.



    Now I'll finally have free-roam animals again, lol

  2. Finally after days of searching found an acceptable level of Doedicurus... and they say they are common in certain places, loll. Let's continue building.

  3. Still building at a steady pace but it is taking such a damn long time to reclaim my territory, it's madness, lol.

    No worries though as I will continue building more and more of these needed wooden fence supports and once it is finished it will at least look nicer compared to my old version since it as S+ and I can pick up things in case of misclicks. At least compared to my old save the animals tamed aren't Below Level 40, but 100 or more, lol.

    Still stuck with just my Venomfang, Level 180 now and lots -and lots of work of building a wall around my territory.

  4. I am back! I have waited a long time.

    Waited until the opportunity was risen so now I have been able to legally purchase ARK on Steam.

    A friend of mine showed me you're able to pay with PaySafe cards on Steam so with this summer sale going on, immediately brought ARK!

    Finally! -obviously, my old saves aren't working for some reason, maybe obvious one.

    Idk, not obvious to me. But at least I begun the game once again! Enjoying it as always~

    Little to no crashes. Only once, but I assume it is since I don't have a videocard yet in my PC (chipset)

    This Friday getting a new PC, some Hexacore stroke-on-the-keyboard PC and I make sure to back up my savegame.

    Downloaded S+ Structures & Classic Flyers as the running mods and my first (legal) tame has been my Dilophosaurus named "Venomfang" Level 112 - 149 (Raw Meat) and now I am slowly building up once again the complete territory that I lost.

    Luckily with S+ the wall foundations are bigger and a little less of a throatcut place in the water.

    Here is a minor screenshot of the basic house build, Venomfang and the reclaimed territory so far.

    I am glad not to have been banned for first having to use a downloaded version until I have been able to buy it, but I got it, and a friend of mine got it as well and so will my gf. Fun times ahead!



    Note: If you wonder what territory I talk about please look through my pictures in my album, you'll see the old screenshots of the downloaded-vanilla ARK territory marked, lots of work to do as it were 700+ stone walls for 1 tier up.


    1. Tatestar01


      anyone now what the tribe war is with the mega tribe rush hour

    2. Marilyn


      I assume a Tribe war is an online "war" between multiple tribes from an online server. what the rush hour has to do with it, no idea, I am more a PvE person rather than a PvP.

  5. ARK: What's on your mind?


    Me: I am finally moving to have my own place, tomorrow. Might not be online for a while.

  6. LisaNightFury: i get the cast of 1000s
    SaraTheKitten: You get fishies *gives one*
    SaraTheKitten: Ughh, even too tired to tease with fish.
    LisaNightFury: i want a nice prime rib


    Alright Terrorbite (Carnotaurus) let's get out of our territory to hunt a Brontosaurus and get our little Tiger some Prime meat!

  7. The Triceratops.

    Known to be a "sherman tank on legs"

    Outnumbered the Tyrannosaurus 10 to 1.

    Gets stuck between trees and knocked out by a slingshots with little rocks.



    Oh god, I wish ARK was real.

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