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Early Birds
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Status Replies posted by LeerySquid13

  1. So I decide to sit down and play some Ark on my Xbox One. To my surprise there is a 38gb update to be applied, quite a large update given that the Xbox One has limited space. Now going by the previous update, which was also quite large, and the issues I had experienced with it. Understandably I was slightly apprehensive. After finally downloading the update (which took forever with my internet) I noticed that there seemed to be an expansion. I was excited at first until I noticed that this was not a free expansion (like The Centre) or update to the already outdated version of Survival Evovled.  Instead it was paid DLC.  Now I understand that Wildcard need money to produce a game, but was this not the reason for pre release, so that they could be funded to produce a full game. Not so that they could be funded to produce paid DLC which costs more to purchase than Survival Evolved itself. Does this then mean that we are to receive no more updates for Survival Evolved and that future updates are going to be more over priced DLC or patches for this over priced DLC. If so, then if I decide not to purchase this DLC, I still have to download the update to play Survival Evolved which takes up even more storage on my already stretched Xbox One hard drive.  To say that I am dissapointed would be an understatement.  This DLC either means that Wilcard have ran out of money and need more funding to finish the game, or that they will speed up and release the full game, full of bugs so they can continue charging for DLC.  At this point I would not be surprised if they charged players who have purchased the pre release again for the finished version of the game. Give players the full version of the game that they have paid for already before deciding to charge them for DLC. Maybe then I will consider purchasing your DLC.

    1. LeerySquid13


      I'm going to put this simply.

      You are stupid.

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