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Posts posted by BettleKettle

  1. introducing....

    Lambeosaurus Lambei


    Simple Description: Lambeosaurus would be one very few of the apexes of the herbivores, with strength that matches its size. Lambeosaurus' defining ability would be a drawn-out loud roar that stretches on for as long as you're holding the specific button down. It drains stamina and eventually oxygen (when stam runs out, don't use it for too long!) The ability would be like a turret with no bullets. It would also have a stomp attack, which would be its most powerful. It would have a bite/chomp attack too. Lambeosaurus heals faster when near its own species (wild + tamed) but heal slightly slower when near enemy carnivores. In the wild it attacks all carnivores on sight (maybe even gigas?!) and naturally herds towards other plant eaters. It would be slower than a rex when running, but a little faster than one when swimming.

    Common Name: Lambeosaurus

    Species: Lambeosaurus Lambei

    Time: Late Cretaceous

    Diet: Herbivore

    Temperament: Defensive



    Discovering Lambeosaurus Lambei was a truly beautiful and breath-taking sight; and one you can survive as long as you don't hurt it or get too close! This gigantic hadrosaur is even able to rival Tyrannosaurus with its devastating strength and abilities.

    One of Lambeosaurus' many defenses against carnivores is using its booming voice, letting out a lengthy and deadly battle-cry that is able to make even the steeliest of minds tremble. It can reach high frequencies that can permanently damage and even deafen the creatures around it, and it is heavily suggested that you wear ear protection near any sort of Lambeosaurus or simply stay far enough away from it.

    Lambeosaurus also is unique in regards to its behavior. The creature naturally gravitates towards other herbivores, either its fellow Lambeosaurus' or other plant eating species, and even heals faster when it is resting near its own kind. Observing Lambeosaurus behavior and interactions with carnivores is another story entirely. Lambeosaurus is quite the opposite with meat eating creatures, and attacks them on sight out of what I can only assume is to be pure unnecessary hatred.


    Taming a Lambeosaurus is more a test of your patience if anything. After watching many failed attempts and a few from myself, I have concluded that you should never bring a carnivorous mount to the creature. It is best to relocate or erase carnivores nearby entirely. I have also discovered that tranquilizers and narcotics are ineffective on this beast during the taming process, perhaps from the adrenaline boost it gets when in battle.


    The use of Lambeosaurus has been entirely for battles to the death, able to stand against Tyrannosaurus and other large apex predators with mighty ease, and due to this Lambeosaurus is an incredibly worthy and fearless addition to have in your tribe.



    Stomp: Right Click (PC), Right Toggle (Xbox)

    Booming Roar: C (PC), Right Button (Xbox)

    Bite: Left Click (PC), Left Toggle (Xbox)


    Abilities Analysis:

    Shattering Stomp: An attack that deals the largest amount of damage, it sends raptor-sized creatures flying, and gives rex-sized creatures slight knockback. It shatters the ground and creatures a large dust cloud, blinding creatures caught in it.

    Booming Roar: An attack that damages all creatures (excluding tamed creatures or humans wearing ear protection like ear muffs) in a large radius, acting as a turret. If exposed to this ability for too long, players will start experiencing muffled noises and a blurry screen. This ability uses up stamina, and afterwards drains oxygen once stamina is gone. The roar will noticeably shift and become more hoarse if oxygen is starting to be used. The booming roar ability also encourages its allies nearby, though not as well as a Yutyrannus.

    Draining Bite: An attack that deals the least amount of damage, being a simple chomp attack. It also inflicts a small amount of torpor.

    Stronger Together: A passive healing ability that initates when near other Lambeosaurus', both wild and tamed.

    Weary: A passive decrease in how fast the Lambeosaurus will heal. This happens when its near 3 or more enemy carnivores. Although this can be countered by the Stronger Together ability with another Lambeosaurus present.

    How To Tame:

    To tame a Lambeosaurus is a unique feat. You must encounter the Lambeosaurus on a herbivore only, as if will attack your carnivore mount if you try to tame it. The Lambeosaurus will let out a loud bellow, and it will initiate a brawl. You must last for as long as possible and get the Lambeosaurus down to 30% health. Once it reaches that point, the Lambeosaurus will bow, and get closer to its herd (if there are any other Lambeosaurus') and rest. Once asleep, you must defend the Lambeosaurus until it wakes. During this time, predators will be attracted to the Lambeosaurus and try to attack it. Defend it until it wakes, and you will have successfully tamed a Lambeosaurus!

    Stats Analysis:

    A Lambeosaurus would be incrediblg beefy in health and have decent stamina, although that is what you would want to upgrade the most. It has a poor amount of Oxygen. It does decent/pretty good damage.


    PvP: For PvP, it would be a pure battle mount and or possible boss dino. Due to its booming roar ability, it would act as a sort of turret with a large radius. It would be a truly devastating force of nature to encounter on the battle field; enemies beware!

    PvE: For PvE, it would be more a defensive creature/possible travel mount. It can scale many rocks and cliffs with ease, and can get you to point A and point B in a guaranteed safe manner. It could also be used as a gatherer


    It would be a decent berry gatherer, and can gather thatch in large quantities. With its shattering stomp, it could crush rocks and gather flint.


    For the design, it was mostly inspired off of the Parasaurs saddle. It would also have a customizable flag for your tribe!


    Regions up until 2 would consist of darker, duller coloes, such as browns, grays, whites, blacks, etc. 3+ regions would be mucher brighter colors!



  2. omg i think its kinda messed up on how the titans are basically just die when the king titan does... bc most of the time, they were mindcontrolled by the king titan, and forced to do things idk if theyd be cool abt to do. its just sad that these guys just rot when the corruption is being cured, bc they were basically extentions of the king titan. idk i just feel like since these 3 are supposed to be a kind of big deal that they deserved at least a spot in the ascention cutscene, like their corpses or them fading away idk ???

  3. im no game dev by any means and it would honestly prob b very glitchy (i mean. its wildcard), but i think wildfires and thunderstorms would be cool. like maybe even droughts, idk welcome 2 my ted talk. it just feels like ark 2 has potential (on my knees hoping its not a failure) for things like this, and ark 2 (if its actually good) could prob be one of the best survival games if it expands onto even minor details (ofc, its ark, so very hesitant)

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