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Early Birds
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Posts posted by EasyKillah

  1. The Dreadnoughtus looks pretty sick but but ASA looks..... Non-existent! Honestly, this is the worst marketing in history. If ASA is not ready, then why the hell did WC take ASE away from us??? If ASA IS ready, then why have we ONLY seen concept art and a single screen shot (which we dont even know if its in-game). I mean, I already know I will buy the stupid game as most of us will but what kind of marketing strategy are you guys planning here? How can we possibly be this close to launch without even knowing what the game will look like? Do you guys just not care if you lose a big chunk of your player base or are you assuming that we will all buy it no matter what? Maybe the game looks like absolute poop and they are too embarrassed to post in-game footage! I'm honestly so let down right now I dont even want to play ASE any more......

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