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Early Birds
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Status Updates posted by Judd

  1. So in your inventory it would be great when transferring a number of the same item if you could type in the item plus the amount . It such a pain having to click each one in turn.


    1. opss1004


  2. Hi thier just a quick question is anyone also having trouble with lag and dc ING.  I am on server 171 and at this moment the lag is so bad it makes playing the game almost impossible.  On average every second hit of the button their is no responce , then after you have hit the button a few times the game catches up opening then closing . Also if you run everthing stops responding. I have been playing Ark now for almost 3 years thought these days were behind us . When is this problem going to be sorted out. It is that bad by the Blue obi that I have stopped going thier. Jat can you sort this out. 

  3. Well I have been playing Ark now for 2 years but think since Ragnarok it's had its day. The old island servers are now void of players and run so slow and glitch it's anoying. I have tried to get on Ragnarok , checked so many servers but everywhere has been pillars.  You look around thier no base but as far as you can see their is pillars even up the mountain slopes. I found a place large nough for a base but next day I had been pillars in. I am giving up as the practie of pillarING all the land will kill the game.


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