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  1. Due to a bug, I had to quit and reload on server 5054. That was 3h ago. Since I can't connect because server is full.... It's not normal that people can create new avatar on server which one often full. Go create new server and put a limit.... I play on this server since the first minutes it was created.....
  2. Just one example : One person build too many foundation to claim space. He have a little building at 400 meter of my base. He build many foundation for 650m long and 250m large, It does one surface of approximately 162000m2 . It's not normal and I propose 2 things : - A limit of quadrat meter we can build or - cant build more of X separate foundation (it oblige too to take our different trap) It will increase the server stability too.
  3. Est-ce que certains ont déjà eu des problèmes avec des joueurs qui demandent de payer en dollars faute de quoi ils rasent la base? PVP évidemment. Je ne citerai pas la nationalité, mon poste précédent n'étant pas passé.
  4. I don't think they read. I do it 3 times and many hours without server.....
  5. Seriously, how is it possible one player build next my base (he can) and me I can't do my second floor.... It's one stupid player which just spam build..... Do something please.
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