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Posts posted by Farris

  1. Mantis eggs. For the love of all that is holy, tell me wether or not the mantis egg lay rate is as intended. We're at 60ish mantis now and can only get kibble for a 150 every other week and thats at 2x. Is the laying rate a ratelimiter for the number of golems or is it a bug? I need to know!

    Oh and thank you for the ignore all whistles option. I had a J incident in said mantis kibble farm. It was not pretty...

  2. Thank you for the DLC. I'm loving it. Its hard in so many good ways.

    There is only one thing that bothers me and its the return of the REALLY LONG tames. Taming a 120 argent is now 3.5 hours if you can manage to gather 94 raw prime meat without having it spoil. Which is pretty hard on official. Taming a 120 anky is over 10 hours with berries which is more a boring chore than it is enjoyably hard. 

    My question is wether or not there will be updates to the kibble tree. Or are we just missing something, like argents eating terror bird kibble or ankys suddenly enjoying scorpion kibble or whatever. Or is it just supposed to be like this? As it is atm i can't help think its an oversight. Could you clarify this Jeremy Stieglitz?

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