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Posts posted by YeOldDingus

  1. The Jaekelop

    When I woke in this strange place, I have seen many terrifying creatures hunt and kill in the name of food and survival, but I have seen few animals kill just because. What I could only describe as a massive glowing version of the island's deep sea eurypterids, this monster's nature is much more aggressive and dangerous than even its cousins. I could only assume this is a beefed up version of the ancient jaekelopterus rhenaniae, or as I call them, the jaekelop. This was already a massive arthropod, but this weird environment seems to have taken that feature and bumped it up even more, and give it the ability to traverse land for a moderate amount of time.

    Based off it's often aggressive interactions with the other fauna of these caves, I can tell you that none but the largest of beasts can even scratch it's carapace, and even if that happens, it's massive claws come down even harder in retaliation. Speaking of its claws, what I could only call teeth line the edges of the of these weapons and seem to deliver a corrosive toxin that quickly kills smaller creature and damages structures. Another notable thing is that while it still eats like any other animal, sometimes it leaves the corpses behind. which ironically has supplied the group with food and clothes. I would just make sure that nothing finds it before you.

    Taming this beast conventionally does not seem to work because of its thick shell, but remember when I mentioned it can go on land, it appears that it can only do this for a bit before it has to return to the water for oxygen. This one fact has allowed a group of insane survivors to find a way to make it theirs. It turns out that these beasts may be somewhat intelligent and their senseless killing is just for sport, territory, or a challenge. Survivors that have worn it down without killing jaekelop will find that it tries to returns to the water. During that time, the survivors can poor water in it's gills while it retreats. Do this enough and you might earn it's trust. Just do not follow it back into the water, it's still a sea monster after all.

    Once tamed it can be ridden bareback as there are a ton of edges to grab on its carapace, or it can be equipped with a defensive saddle that provides the rider protection and gathers water so the beast can stay on land for as long as the tanks have good old H2O. This tank saddle has also come in handy for the trips to the element rivers, where it filters out the element into it's dust form. Aside from their gathering utilities, they are also excellent war mounts that can take beatings that would easily kill even larger animals.

    Web Picture:

    Jaekelopterus, the largest known arthropod to have ever existed. They are  estimated as being in the 7-9' range for body length. It lived during the  Devonian period (roughly 400 mya) and may

    My Conceptual Art:




    Can pick up small to medium dinos much like the karkinos

    Claw slam/crush attack

    Tail slam with knockback and slight stun when looking behind

    Corrosive claw toxin damages creatures, survivors, and any building tier.

    Can use it's massive tail from the water or on land to propel them vertically and fall down in a  belly flop attack.

    Immune to jellyfish (thank god)

    Can tuck its tail under its body and fling itself far distances (backward or forwards)

    Can gather metal (limited), wood, thatch, stone, obsidian(limited), flint, and element dust (with reverse scuba saddle)

    Saddle can used as a water tap and scuba gear for player.

    Sometimes leaves animal corpses behind for gathering

    When submerged can either crawl on the bottom or swim (really good swimmer)

    Immune to bleed affects from anything smaller than an allo

    Gains a water buff like the spino

    Player cannot be picked or shot off the animal because of the capsule like saddle

    Saddle automatically collects water when exposed to it

    Can ride bear back (probably should be close to water so it doesn't run out of oxygen)

    Will attempt to get to water source when dangerously low on oxygen regardless of the rider's command, leash, or any wall that may stand in its way.

    Player can toggle its ability use nearby water taps to rehydrate

    Takes reduced fall damage.

    Natural turret soaker (drains water tanks quickly so beware)

    Increased healing in water

    Immune to element water

    Massive health pool and great damage


    Increased damage from fire

    Bullets and other projectiles can damage the water tanks while draining them (will not damage saddle, you just need to repair the tanks) damage taken to tanks depends on quality of saddle

    Long recovery time from belly flop   

    How to tame:

    Lure it on land and kite it around while pelting it with arrows, bullets, or whatever (be careful not to kill it). Then through a visual que, it will start to retreat back to water when it' s low on oxygen or has taken to much of a beating. While it's retreating, go up it's sides behind it's head and give it water from skins,  jars, or canteens (the tier of the water receptacle will determine the amount of taming). You will not be able to tame it while it's in the water, so lure it out again and repeat the process until it's done (will have to do this a couple times with higher levels). 


    Rare in bioluminescent region

    Uncommon in hazard region

    (Most likely to find them in the element river in the rock drake trench)  



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