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Posts posted by RRG

  1. 2 hours ago, Chinxsie said:

    NOT being friends with the person YOU just mocked, I suggest you see all sides. Not everyone has "FRIENDS" here.


    They win because they have "friends" on the forums who vote for them over and over. Or you all group up with your submissions. So it's not one person it's many, which reduces the"effort" a single person can submit in comparison. Not everyone is blessed with art skills or HOURS of time to waste on this. Some can only do what they can. Just because they can't put effort doesn't mean they didn't.  It's more fair to let others have a chance. Maybe they can't submit twice in a row, that allows others to get in.  Especially those who aren't on the forum often or who don't have "friends" in the ark world to vote for them. Sorry, they have to truly WORK to be seen... But you don't see that side, do you? Lolol 

    I never said anyone's effort should be looked down upon or their work discarded simply because they don't have as many resources at their disposal, and I never said you or anyone doesn't put effort and love into their creations.

    Also, yi qi didn't win because I had a million friends to blindly vote over and over again, but because I reached out to everyone I could and meet everyone I could, and listen to them to improve upon the effort I already put. So did my friend Ash with Gigantoraptor. I've known him for more than 4 years and that is the time he's been refining his creature, improving it every contest. If that's not effort and tons of work, I don't know what it is. And for all I know, we have as many resources at our disposal as anyone else could have.

    Besides if you consider the contests a "waste of time" then what's the point of it if it's not for fun. Don't say I don't see that side because I've been there and I know prizes don't come on a silver plate.

    On 8/5/2023 at 3:13 PM, Voidtoker said:

    Strong “I only play pve on a 20x boosted server vibe where I force tame everything” 

    Also, I've seen this person comment harshly against you, it's clear they're not here to prove an important point but just to prick other people, may I ask why are you defending them? You don't owe them anything.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Voidtoker said:

    As a user, I don’t want to see anyone win more than once. Deal with it. 

    As a friend of the person you just mocked, I suggest you get in their shoes and be respectful. Just because you win once doesn't mean you should be stripped away from the fun the contest entails. Sure it could be slightly frustrating if someone won over and over, but it that got to happen then it's likely because they put effort and thought into their creation. And if you don't like it, don't vote for it. That simple

    • Like 4
  3. 6 hours ago, miu1103 said:

    Don't tell me Net Projectile is absolutely necessary for Tame? It's the ASA that gets added, not the ASE, right? If Net Projectile engrams are not added to the aberration from Genesis 2, it will not be possible to use or obtain them until Genesis 2 is added, even if the aberration is officially added... Please clarify with the developers how to coordinate the taming process. Or will you talk to the developers to allow the free release of engrams like Net Projectile's cryo-pods? I thought this creature was cool, but it is not a real life form. However, it is a creature that will be added, so it would be too much of a quandary to implement it and not be able to play an active role in the game. I think the current ARK management has a talent for turning small mistakes into big mistakes....................................

    Don't worry, I'm sure wildcard will fine tune its taming to better fit their vision of ARK. I know in base ARK you can craft net projectiles outside genesis 2, even in aberration, that's why I kept it that way. However my dumb ass didn't realize they wouldn't release nets for the remaster right from day 1, so I'm sure they will change it either to be tamed with bolas or through another different method :)

    As for helping wildcard's design team with providing details, I would absolutely love to and would be down for it every day, but it is ultimately up to them to do so.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, ElPINGUcubano94 said:

    Yoooo lesgooo the big fat W!! I’m so pumped I hope my suggestions ended up helping some how!

    Congrats on bringing the Yi Qi to ark man!

    THANK YOU MAN!! Rest assured I am 100% sure listening to your feedback was the best thing I could've done to adjust yi to be more balanced. Thank you so much and next vote, even if I'm not participating in it myself, do let me know if you're going to submit an entry! I'll be sure to check it out :D

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, FlashGuard said:

    Honestly i do not believe we need more damage dealers in the game. its cool utility with such but we need more helpful abilities rather than burn down the dino. 

    It's an alternative to ordinary damage dealers as it doesn't quite work like a traditional battle mount, plus it has some helpful abilities like gliding and being able to use different types of ammo. Having enough damage dealers in the game is a valid opinion but I digress, diversity is king when it comes to fun in ark

  6. 3 hours ago, MermaidMaira said:

    HI RRG I'm suffering trying to figure out how to submit my own idea OR EVEN VOTE ON OTHER PEOPLE'S??? I can't figure out how to upvote????? But in the meantime I'm still enjoying the creativity of all the submissions

    I personally think Rock Drake has a special status as Aberration's ultimate tame, being both powerful and gliding, and I think any gliding creature added to Ab with any more abilities than bite and glide will probably make Rock Drake obsolete. But *by god do I love this concept* and I would love to see it in the game! Frankly if Rock Drake ever got a TLC, this should be the inspiration. It just sounds like fun to fight with! Zoom around pew pew pew ahahahahahah RIP AND TEARRRRR

    Wildcard made it so new accounts can't vote to prevent spambots lol, you need to post at least six times to be able to upvote stuff. But it says you're no longer an early bird so you should be good to go! :D

  7. 59 minutes ago, Emily0713 said:

    Yi xue is a fictional creature, although you said this is a “arkified” version of Yi qi, I still thinks there are a little bit to much of fictional vibe in it for it to be an species  under the genus of Yi.

    Without mentioning its abilities, and by just looking at its sheer size from the human comparison picture, I think you can tell what I’m saying

    Yi xue from the picture is probably around 200 to 300 kilos compare to irl Yi qi which was only 0.4 kilos


    or maybe I’m just overreacting lol (looking at you Rhyniognatha) at least it’s not millions times bigger (literally) than it’s origin.

    And again who cares anyway🤣 Its cool, and that is all it needs.

    Glad you like it lol. Yeah, I know the real Yi wasn't bigger than a pidgeon but I love the creature and even if it's leaning quite a bit much into the fantasy aspect I thought that'd work in favor of it since it's aberration. Sorry if it bugged you lol I took the blender scale tool and had some fun with it :D

  8. 37 minutes ago, EDSELA said:

    no se porque no me deja votar esta criatura, pero es con diferencia la mejor que he visto hasta ahora, si alguien me ayuda a saber como se vota se lo agradazco esque a la hora de darla al boton de votar me sale el simbolo del prohibido🚫

    Justo acabo de ver que si has puesto al menos 6 comentarios en cualquier sugerencia o en varias te deja votar porque la cuenta deja de ser Early bird, prueba a ver si se puede! A pasarlo bien con el concurso

  9. 31 minutes ago, EDSELA said:

    no se porque no me deja votar esta criatura, pero es con diferencia la mejor que he visto hasta ahora, si alguien me ayuda a saber como se vota se lo agradazco esque a la hora de darla al boton de votar me sale el simbolo del prohibido🚫

    no te preocupes, es porque en tu perfil dice que eres un Early bird y creo que en este concurso las cuentas nuevas no podían votar. Es una pena, pero asi no hay cuentas de spam bots. Pero me alegro de que te guste! :D

  10. 1 hour ago, ElPINGUcubano94 said:

    I got very excited when I saw this creature as I was thinking about posting it for aberration as well! However, there are a few things here that I think is really holding the Yi Qi back. 

    the whole part about if you get hit at all by a fabi sniper you fall to the ground and are stunned for 10 seconds and unable to glide for another 20… do you understand how long that is? That is way way too long, it’s too punishing considering you only need to hit it once. pc players can hit with a fabi pretty consistently so it’s a really bad idea. It’s already a glass cannon, doing that would make it borderline useless because since it’s so frail who wouldn’t be able to kill it in 30 seconds? Pop it once then use a reaper or megalo and it’s over. You should remove that entire part to be honest or you’re seriously hurting the creatures chance at making the vote.


    Second, making it not regain stamina when clinging to a wall not only doesn’t make sense but you’re seriously nerfing the creature into the ground. It already can’t climb, and now you’re making it not regain any stamina when clinging to a surface? Considering the glide mechanic takes up a lot of stamina as stated, this thing is essentially being made to be a worse pteranodon. No one is going to want to have to land constantly considering how frail you made it. Seriously nerfing the mobility on something that relies on its speed and mobility to stay alive just doesn’t make sense. 

    also, the whole part of higher weight stat makes it consume more stamina and more health makes it slower and so on is counterintuitive. People level their creatures to make them better not worse. It’s already very frail and now if i try to offset that even a little im now slower and easier to hit? It won’t ever get enough health to be bulky, it doesn’t merit a speed nerf. Coupled with the whole ridiculous 30 second stun timer? I’m telling you that is probably putting a lot of people off.


    i understand this isn’t meant to be a bulky creature but the fact it has a lower base HP than a raptor is too frail IMO. At a minimum give it a base HP of 210 to match the Pteranodon, but I personally think it should have even a little more than that considering its size and build. It already has the base stamina of the pt, which is pretty bad considering it consumes a lot of stamina for the glide and the side steps and all that.  if it has less HP it’s just too much. 

    that being said I love the ideas for the feathers and the way it has synergy with the mushrooms and plant Z on ab. It’s a very cool and creative creature. But The mechanics you implemented here for its mobility and counter is too punishing for what is supposedly offering. Im not telling you this to be mean, but because I genuinely want this creature to have a chance as I wanted to suggest it for Ab and I feel the things I’ve mentioned is probably turning off a lot of the pvp community. Please consider what I’ve said. 

    Sorry for another reply lol, it's now rebalanced to not always be at a disadvantage. Thank you so much for the feedback!

  11. 1 hour ago, ElPINGUcubano94 said:

    I got very excited when I saw this creature as I was thinking about posting it for aberration as well! However, there are a few things here that I think is really holding the Yi Qi back. 

    the whole part about if you get hit at all by a fabi sniper you fall to the ground and are stunned for 10 seconds and unable to glide for another 20… do you understand how long that is? That is way way too long, it’s too punishing considering you only need to hit it once. pc players can hit with a fabi pretty consistently so it’s a really bad idea. It’s already a glass cannon, doing that would make it borderline useless because since it’s so frail who wouldn’t be able to kill it in 30 seconds? Pop it once then use a reaper or megalo and it’s over. You should remove that entire part to be honest or you’re seriously hurting the creatures chance at making the vote.


    Second, making it not regain stamina when clinging to a wall not only doesn’t make sense but you’re seriously nerfing the creature into the ground. It already can’t climb, and now you’re making it not regain any stamina when clinging to a surface? Considering the glide mechanic takes up a lot of stamina as stated, this thing is essentially being made to be a worse pteranodon. No one is going to want to have to land constantly considering how frail you made it. Seriously nerfing the mobility on something that relies on its speed and mobility to stay alive just doesn’t make sense. 

    also, the whole part of higher weight stat makes it consume more stamina and more health makes it slower and so on is counterintuitive. People level their creatures to make them better not worse. It’s already very frail and now if i try to offset that even a little im now slower and easier to hit? It won’t ever get enough health to be bulky, it doesn’t merit a speed nerf. Coupled with the whole ridiculous 30 second stun timer? I’m telling you that is probably putting a lot of people off.


    i understand this isn’t meant to be a bulky creature but the fact it has a lower base HP than a raptor is too frail IMO. At a minimum give it a base HP of 210 to match the Pteranodon, but I personally think it should have even a little more than that considering its size and build. It already has the base stamina of the pt, which is pretty bad considering it consumes a lot of stamina for the glide and the side steps and all that.  if it has less HP it’s just too much. 

    that being said I love the ideas for the feathers and the way it has synergy with the mushrooms and plant Z on ab. It’s a very cool and creative creature. But The mechanics you implemented here for its mobility and counter is too punishing for what is supposedly offering. Im not telling you this to be mean, but because I genuinely want this creature to have a chance as I wanted to suggest it for Ab and I feel the things I’ve mentioned is probably turning off a lot of the pvp community. Please consider what I’ve said. 

    Those are some fair concerns. I gave it a lot of drawbacks considering the damage the creature can potentially do is higher than a fully frenzied carchar, so it would be a poor choice to not give it ways to be hard countered. Perhaps I did go a bit too hard on the counters though, I will take your post into account and rebalance the drawbacks so it still demands skill to use and can be tough to handle but that it doesn't completely outclass everything else. Thank you for the feedback! :D

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