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  1. Polygons floating around snow zone. Seems to be a ps5 problem. My base is right in the middle of this. Can not see in my own base. Dedi still don't show how much is in it. Why make the game crossplay if u don't care about the console.
  2. After update ps5 official server. Pixel boxes floating around . That's the best way I can describe it.
  3. Came on today crops not growing any more. 300% greenhouse irrigated. Pick some other crops same problem.
  4. Need console pve servers. No way to compete getting drops or gifts. Mouse and keyboard is way faster. A server did essentially should of been a ps5 server full of pc players. Something needs to be done.
  5. Servers been down for hours now. It lts Saturday people are trying to play the envent.
  6. Still waiting for new servers. Nothing like refreshing the severs or trying to get into one. I don't understand why you can't put more servers out.
  7. You pay money for a multiplayer game. There's not enough servers. You can't get into the servers that exist. A game like this you need to get into a server early. The older pc servers are already taken over. All the caves are blocked so no way you can get artifacts. Do the right thing and open more servers.
  8. Nice to buy a game and you can't even play it.
  9. Need more pvp small tribe servers. I've been hitting refresh for over four hours.
  10. Need more small tribes. Been hitting the refresh button for over 3 hours.
  11. Can't get in any new servers.
  12. Same with 9246 been down for hours. I really enjoying the xp envent.
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