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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Gamster

  1. Anthomnia just made a video about Arat Prime :


    Basecally what he says is that Arat ist a reference to Ararat. In the Bible this is the mountain that Noah's ARK is resting on. (I think it's pretty clear what this has to with ark)

    So my own theory on this would be that Arat Prime is maybe the main facility that the ARKs are controlled from. Possibly even the place from which the Player activates the "Reseed Protocol" in the the final cutscene in Extinction. I also think that the Great City was inhabited by the Homo Deus that built the Arks, because the messages in the city are all written in Ascension code and I don't think even future Homo Sapiens would be able to read Ascension Code. They could translate it, but not just directly read.

    The launch that is being talked about in the messages is probaply the launch of the Arks into space, which would make sense if the Homo Deus that built them would live there. Though it looks like just before the launch Arat Prime "went silent" so I guess the ARKs creators never really found out if they even lauched or not.

    Also as I understood from "The One who Waites" Notes the ARKs are already operaiting for a couple MILLION years, if that is so that would mean the City is also as old !

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