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Early Birds
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Posts posted by Smokingunnz

  1. so............

    Ragnarock map ps4, prim plus non dedicated server

    no wyvern egg spawns on ps4 on prim plus still, no wyverns spawning back at the scar, no nests spawning equals no eggs! No winter event for people on prim plus at all? Is that correct on what I read? As no event coloured dinos or anything has loaded after the patch..... So what exactly did you guys fix? My server is still broken and it's going on over a month now.... Soon I will be asking for compensation on the money that has been lost sitting on a idle server because of kicks and lag issues! What sense does it make to pay for a service when it doesn't even work 100 percent! Why even bother putting out the event if not anyone can access it? Like players that only play prim plus, would have been nice of you guys to say that it doesn't support prim plus! But I read that absolutely no where from you guys, just server owners posting the samething.... I think it's time for compensation, I lost 90 percent of my players to this last release of extinction, and like I said the game is still very broken! 

  2. Yea, still no update for the ps4, all my server players read the cruch, we're all excited, now my server sits idle once again..... What is going on wildcard! Why are we left in the dark for so long on this..... Don't really care about the event, but would love the fixes for some of the stuff that is going to be patched.... Any info would be great

  3. I have been told that the crashes I am facing on ragnarock are in my end, this was support from nitrado! I run a non dedicated prim plus server on ps4 and have nothing but server crash after server crash, I lost all my players because of this! For a solid week now nothing but a headache, I was wondering if this is a problem we prim plus players and owners are now facing or is it my server as suggested from nitrado..... No mods running, 1 simple command in the ini file to give all engrams per lvl and that is it. I used this command before when prim was stable before extinction, so I don't see it a problem now, I reinstalled my server several times as also suggested from nitrado due to a corrupt save game. But yet this save game was fine once again before extinction. I don't know what else to do, but restart after restart, fresh start after fresh start, yea I lost my members and community.... So if this is a serious problem then why not fix it? I am paying a 90 day service for your servers and yet only played about 3 days once you remove the crashes and restarts and roll backs. Please, love the game, love prim plus, and ragnarock is my favorite map.... Please just give us a update on what is happening so at least I can msg my members and let them know it's not our server it's something on your end at least in hopes they will stay until it gets fixed, news please!

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