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Scorched earth official transfer - Unbalanced?


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Has anyone considered how ridiculously Unbalanced the ability to transfer dinosaurs from any scorched earth server to any island/center server could be? Players can invade servers with 100s of powerful tames that they've acquired on scorched earth maps and essentially troll and raid any tribes that are set up on that server. And there is nothing that anyone can do about it, because these tames could come from any scorched earth server. Surely Dino transfer between standard servers was disabled for this very reason, as it would allow players to invade and destroy servers whenever they wanted with tames they acquired elsewhere? So why can people bring tames from scorched earth to already established island/center maps? It sounds awesome, but realistically it will mainly be used by trolls and people who only want to ruin the game for others. Just a thought seeing as there appears to be no limitations for this transfer, allowing people to bring entire armies across, eventually, when people get far enough. 

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