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staytunedfordetails [XBox Server] Gt: FocalSphere1931 Opening Approx. 9/1/16

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FocalSphere1931 will be re-opening on or around 9/1/16!!!!


We're waiting until the 9/1/16 update because we will be starting the server with the Primitive+ DLC, check this link for the engrams,http://ark.gamepedia.com/Engrams_(Primitive%2B). If you are not familiar with Primitive+, it is advisable that you do so before the server opens. As an FYI, Primitive+ is more RP oriented, and as such it has been specifically developed to encourage specialization and is favorable to tribal play styles. If your play style is more that of a "lone wolf" because you have "trust issues" then you're encouraged to find another server to play on. It's possible the server open date might get pushed back due to the final release of the update, so stay tuned for updates on the date if it changes. It should be noted that the host will be disabling behemoth gate engrams. Behemoth gates will be available for limited purchase from admin shops and given as part of award packages for winning in community events.

The server will open on "The Center" map. See the attached picture for the updated map which will include the addition of the Redwoods Biome. There'll be a 1 week (7 days) server-wide cease-fire at the opening of the server. There will be no such cease-fire status recognized for tribes joining the server after the initial first week.

- The Floating Island (aka "The Center") is off-limits to building by player tribes. This area will serve as the community hub. It will be populated by stores, and special event activities/competitions.
- The Underworld is off-limits to PvP players, it is designated as PvE area only! The tunnels into The Underworld will be gated off to separate PvE players from PvP players. Historically, this server hasn't seen any PvP activity in The Underworld. Thus, it has been decided that it will be designated a safe-haven for PvE players. Transportation in and out of The Underworld will be provided exclusively by Admins.
- Admin tribes will be building in the Redwoods Biome. It is certain that there will be three admin alpha tribes. Build there at your own peril! Though their final names may change, they are as follows: The Fallen Ones, Muska'beards, and Hyrule. Not everyone in those tribes will have admin privileges. However, it is reasonable to expect that each of those tribes will have up to 2 or 3 admins as members.

The host will NOT be awarding admin status to anyone outside of those who will already possess admin status at the opening of the server. These Alpha tribes will be the "God Tribes." They will enforce the rules of the server as they see fit, which means that their interpretation of the rules will always be valid! The Admins have been playing together for almost a year, they are in frequent and regular communication with each other. Admins will not be permitted to use admin powers in raids, though they may observe raids and attacks by players on player/admin tribes using admin powers (that is part of their job description, to make certain that rules are being followed). There will be opportunities for player tribes to achieve "Demigod Tribe" status which would equate to non-admin alpha status. "Demigod Tribe" status will confer very specific privileges to those tribes that hold such status.

For the moment, rules haven't been decided upon. There'll be as few rules as possible. Nor have the final settings for the server. Admins are experimenting with server settings to find something that is realistic, progressive, and limited enough so as to make gameplay fun, but without letting players advance so quickly as has been the case in the past. I won't go into specifics about rules and settings that are being considered right now. But the general theme is to reduce server lag and slow down building speeds. Server settings will certainly be higher than Official Server settings, BUT they will certainly be less than other Dedicated Unofficial Servers.

With that said, be aware that building a really laggy base will probably mark you as a target on this server. Creating lag by building massive bases, grabbing massive amounts of real estate, hoarding tamed dinos, and overbuilding defenses are the direct cause of shortened server lifespan. To counter this, it is advisable to spread larger bases out so that major structures are "out of sight" of each other. This means building large structures with the minimum distance between being the rendering distance on the server. However, walling off that same area with walls or gateways will nullify the effect of spreading bases out. As such, walling off entire areas will mark you as a target. Overwhelming defenses will mark you as a target. What I mean by this is Admin Tribes will most probably organize a large scale effort on the server to annihilate your base. 

To prolong server life expectancy and avoid server resets; rules, settings, events, and admin actions will be geared towards this ultimate goal. Rebuilding bases is going to be considered the norm. So, the one rule you can expect to return is the rule concerning wiping bases being limited to 50%. That can be interpreted many ways. For example, if your tribe has 2 bases, then wiping one base out completely OR wiping both bases down to 50% are equivalent legal options under the rules.

The host will enable "No Offline Raiding." This should reassure those of you who'd otherwise desire to build overwhelming defenses to protect your bases when your tribe is offline.

Black Pearls will be the official currency on the server. There will be exchange rates established for selling items like Megalodon Teeth, Sauropod Vertebra, T-Rex arms, Argentavis Claws, Rhino Horns, and Artifacts to the Community Bank. These, in turn will be used for determining when (and how many) bosses are spawned in the regular world for special events. Otherwise, players may use them as usual for entering the boss arenas. Weapons packages for Boss Arenas will be available for sale in the Community Marketplace. You might even be able to make offerings to the Gods (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) to get them to fight alongside you against the bosses! FYI, the bosses are significantly more difficult to defeat in Prim+ than in the base game. Other items for sale are still being determined and will be announced later with more specificity.

That's it for now. Some of these details may change by the time that the update arrives. But final details will be made available as they are decided upon. Please feel free to recruit for your tribes in advance of the server open date. Please feel free to introduce your tribes here in this Facebook group. Please feel free to recruit ally and rival tribes to this server in advance of the open date.


Focal's Ark Facebook Group

- Cobra Commander, Focal's Admin & Co-Founder of The Fallen Ones


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