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The Campfire has been the lonely resident of its tech tier for ages. Being one of the only 2 stations that cooked items, with the only other option being the Industrial Forge, Grill and Cooker for the other stations like it. Who only have one very basic and rudimentary version and then a huge jump to the industrial tier with nothing in between, but things never worked like that in real life. There were more interactions and evolutions of technology between the gap of such stages in improvement and innovation. Ark sorely needs its tiers of different technology and items to be fleshed out, the crafting stations such as the Campfire and its lineage are a prime example.

We need more gap fillers for things between Thatch Beach Bob Chic and Industrial Waste Plant Warehouse style.

Campfire has only one true upgrade and a few branches that themselves also only have one upgrade that leaves a huge gap where efficiency suffers and nothing is able to pick up the slack, even a little bit, and these are things that are not even very extreme that im talking about, like just adding a few extra slots to put more things in, or increase the output of processing to 2 per tick or 3. Not needing to smelt 20 bars of metal at once or cook 50 steaks with 100 slots.

To start off the Campfire only has the Fireplace as its successor. Nothing else. The Torches don't count either, they're just accessories to the category of lighting. They don't cook anything either. That's not exactly something you think of when you think the upgraded processing and uses of a Campfire in terms of cooking or burning resources to turn them into other forms.

For this I think we should have a large burning pit, or a proper firepit that has the functionality, not just a pile of sticks in a ring of rocks. 

What's more tribal dufus men surviving on a dinosaur island than a big bonfire? This would basically be just a bigger Campfire, more sturdy, bigger stones to line it, and when piled high and set ablaze it gives off a farther reaching light that could even repel insects or dinos adverse to fire more effectively too, being easier to catch things on fire if they touch it obviously since it's not just an open flame on the ground but a full blazing bonfire.

It would obviously have more health, bigger radius, about that of 2x2 or 1.5x foundations in circumference. Big enough to cook large amounts of food, burn large piles of wood on etc. It wouldn't be as fast or efficient as the Grill or Industrial Forge, since it is still a more primitive tier structure, but it could hold way more in its inventory, having at the very least 10-20 slots. Cooking food in batches of 6 per tick as opposed to the 1 in Campfires and 12 in Grills, and does the same for Charcoal. Being extra efficient at burning it.

In addition, it could have the benefit of more interactivity. Using fire-based weapons, tools or creature abilities (coming soon in the future with Scorched Earth and Ragnarok etc) will actually interact with the bonfire and can light or even extinguish it. Aka breathing on it with a Fire Wyevrn, or using a Phoenix on it will make it momentarily burn faster too as a result when focusing on spending your time boosting it, maybe at the cost of some singed meat or ashes left by the force of the flames, but it would still be better than just spamming Campfires or Fireplaces. You could even throw a torch or use a torch to light it too for consistency's sake.

One additional mechanic could be that it gets brighter, hotter and stronger the more fuel and/or the more stronger fuel is used. Thatch would get you a decent fire, but Wood would be your best bet without powerhouse fuel like Sparkpowder, which will light with a flash and a bang of smoke, giving its own unique effect upon use, and Angler Gel which will give an eerie lighting same as when used in Torch Structures and be able to burn for the longest.

But perhaps the best way to round off this new burning structure would be to allow it to take advantage of other Fire station upgrades as well. Another thing we could do is finally give the Cooking Pot an upgrade between it and the Industrial version. Being a large Cauldron that can be used to cook larger batches of things, still slower and less efficient than the Indy Cooker but better than having to settle between exclusively primitive pot on a tiny campfire or giant metal boilers. This can be placed above the Firepit and used for all the things a Cooking Pot is, but takes more room and water to use effectively.

- Overview -

New Structure & Station - The Firepit

Load with fuel to burn a large fire that gets bigger the more fuel and/or more effective fuel is used (This would be simplified to 3 or 4 stages of brightness if needed for the sake of not going overboard for a big campfire). Cooks meat and Charcoal faster than a Campfire but slower than an Industrial Grill/Forge. (6 Meat per tick)

Gives off more light (based on fuel) and farther reaching light than normal Campfires or Torches, and can keep bugs and fire-wary creatures at bay (pests and most creatures smaller than a Raptor will avoid it, like Pegos, Icthyornis, Dilos and Troodons. But anything bigger will ignore the danger enough to get close to you even if you stand close enough to catch fire from it.)

Can be set on fire by Torches/Flaming Arrows/Fire Dino Abilities etc. Or extinguished as well. Using excessive flames on the bonfire will burn up its resources faster, allowing for even faster active production of Charcoal in bulk using Flamethrowers, Fire Wyverns, Phoenixes etc.

Other Uses

- Symbiotically works with Magmasaurs to power up their fire abilities in absence of ambient lava.

- Place Wooden cages above them to burn your enemies and sacrifices in a blaze of glory to gain favor from the Ark-N-G gods. (Entirely fantastical, not an actual mechanic and purely for role-play, meme and fun.)

- Put on a show with Dyes and combustible resources like Gunpowder and Sparkpowder to make smoke displays and the fire react and to even communicate long distance with others. This can be done in the inventory with a special use button for these items or by throwing them out of your inventory onto the Bonfire physically. Amounts will count and scale for effects. 

- Decorate? There are lots of odd bits and bobs in Ark, while the building system has been improved by a mile I think the decorating and customization parts could be improved upon still. Why not be able to put collected bones near the pit, or on it? Suspend Trophies in the midst of the flames or on pikes like the skull of an Alpha Rex or arrange spits with cooking meat or pieces from kills like fish, small creatures or misc non-bone Trophies like the Blubber, Lungs, Heart, Tentacle, etc. These could each have their own slots for different areas in the Firepit's inventory. Separate from its normal slots, for each region and such, like Border, Centerpiece and Accents (Outer ring debris, singular showcase piece on a pike in the center, and spits in the side.

Size - 1.5-2 x 2 Foundations in circumference, perhaps even larger.

Cost - 50-100 Stone, 1 Flint, 50 Thatch, 100 Wood.

Weight - 20.0 Units

Structure Tier - Wood or Stone, is mainly made of Stone with its ring but could still be destroyed by most moderately strong Dinosaurs.

Engram Level - Anywhere from 20 to 30.

Prerequisites - Campfire, Stone Foundation.

New Structure and Station - The Cauldron

Place above a large source of heat with an abundance of water to cook things in minor bulk, less efficient predecessor of the Industrual Cooker but better than a Cooking Pot. 

Requires more water at a time to cook but can make more than 1 Stew or recipe at a time, can be used like the Cooking Pot to make recipes with Notes. Has a capacity of 800 Water. 

Other Uses

- Can be placed above a flaming Magmasaur, pool of oil or environmental fire/Lava to work as well. Or heated by Fire Wyvern Breath. Does not work with Campfires unless you have 3 or more.

- If a Survivor or dinosaur small enough to sits inside the Cauldron full of water they can wash Paint off their body.

- Boil your friends, have a hot tub meeting. It's only as hot as the fire.

Size - 1 whole foundation and wall unit in size. Model comes in 2 variants, one normal and one sat atop 2 medium sized stones for support and can be snapped to the Firepit.

Cost - 200 Stone, 25 Cementing Paste, 20 Wood.

Weight - 50.0 Units

Structure Tier - Stone

Engram Level - Same as Firepit.

Prerequisites - Campfire, Cooking Pot, Stone Wall.

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