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Species: Rhizodus gigas

Time: Carboniferous

Diet: Carnivore

Size: about 20 meters

Sadle unlocks at 78 lvl


700 health

500 stamina

300 moisture (oxygen) 

75 basic damage

??? Speed

600 weight(selica and black pearls weight less in its inventory) 

About: Rhizodus gigas is giant fish that terrorizes freshwater, sometimes saltwater and even land fauna that got unlucky being near water while Rhizodus is around. Even tho Rhizodus gigas is a fish it can crawl on land to catch its prey, but prey on land is fast so it uses it slimy belly to charge at it and have better chances of catching it. Original Earths Rhizodus was only a Freshwater fish but Rhizodus gigas can also be found in oceans.


1. Grab

When Rhizodus catches small prey it swallows it whole but when it catches big prey it takes it as deep as possible and drowns it, in fear preys oxygen drains way faster than usuall. If you tame it you can use grab ability to grab your own tames or tribemates and take then underwater without worrying about them drowning cuz Rhizodus will provide them with oxygen.

If it grabs another water creature it will start mauling it with its powerfull jaws 

Deals 70 damage doesnt matter if u grab wild creature or your own tame

2. Tail slap

Tail slap stuns small animals in water and does huge knockback + bonebreak(20 sec.) on land. Deals 50 basic damage

3. Charge

Charge gives Rhizodus speed boost for 7 seconds and deals 5 basic damage to everything that gets in the way

4. Slide

Rhizodus can use its slimy belly to slide on land like a penguin, but can use it only 3 times, if all 3 is used it will have cooldown 10 minutes until you can use it again

5. Fire resistance

Slime protects Rhizodus from getting burned or take damage from fire

6. Thick skull 

Rhizodus will take less damage from being shot/hit in the head

Gender dimorphism
Males have large payara  like teeth  to fight and atract females and long snout. Those teeth are large enough to land deadly wounds and cause massive bleeding even to animals bigger than Rhizodus itself. 
Females have short but wide snout with catfish like teeth to protect their eggs by hiding them in their mouth. Wide mouth suck in multiple of small creatures 

Taming method:

1. Use repelant and let it swallow you after which it will spit you out and take some torpor(will drop very slowly) and then wait for it to do it again to knock it out, Rhizodus will eat any sort of meat exept for spoiled one but its most favorite is lamb

2. Become Jeremy and use fishing to tame it!

3. Make it swallow something poisonous to make it fall unconcious

4. Make it swallow carbonemis so it will choke and fall unconcious

Can farm: Selica pearls, Black pearls, stone and flint

Cant shoot from saddle

Thanks for art to ArtSaturator on twitter (probably gonna recieve some changes, most likely fins) IMG_20230805_085940_591.jpg

Edited by Froggo1
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