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Herrerasaurus The Venom Raptor



image.jpeg.52b49da3f391437b1f7d7e649d64b2be.jpegHerrerasaurus would be a mid game Dino that would make the mid game of ark more interesting with its unique gimmicks


Herrerasaurus would spawn in All maps as it would fit in well in all. It would spawn in the green and blue zone in aberration but the plains as a rarer raptor it would also spawn in the desert. It Would be slightly bigger than a Baryonyx and look like a bigger raptor that does not have feathers.This could also jump over two wall high to escape traps and get up ledges.They would travel in packs of 3 or so

Stats and Harvesting 


Health-Slightly lower than a Carno 

Melee-About Carno

Stamina-Twice as much as a raptor

Weight- About Carno

Oxygen-Same as a Raptor 


Good at getting Prime Meat And Organic Polymer

Okay at Hide and Meat

Gets twice the amount of Nameless Venom

Good at getting Bee Honey and Fiber

Great at getting Chitin and Keratin

Guaranteed Trophies On kill


The Herrerasaurus  Has Three different poison glands that can be cycled like stego plates.Would be secondary attack

Corrosion Venom

Does damage over time if hits creatures with this venom and can break metal and below besides for stone(Wild Herrerasaurus Use this one)

Draining Venom

Lowers speed and stamina of whatever Dino it hits (similar to a titanomyrma

Tranquillizing Venom

A venom that actually does decent torpor and lower damage similar to what a crossbow would do but no durability and a creature

Normal attack

Inflicts bleed 1/10 hits for 3 seconds


You must be a minimum level of 25 to tame a herrerasaurus. It will fall asleep at day similar to a Shadowmane where it will still be dangerous.When asleep you must feed it narcotic then run away and hide from it until it goes back to sleep rinse and repeat until unconscious.It would take max ten narcotic to knock out a 150.When unconscious it will eat any meat and rare mushrooms.

Extra Ideas

Herrerasaurus would have different patterns for male and female

Pack bonus when tamed

Pick up very small Dino’s with mouth

Night vision 

Saddle at level 38

Saddle would have hide packs similar to a hyaenodon meat pack

Maybe mini Argi heal after kill for 5 seconds

Good for caving

Reduced fall damage 

High jump when tamed

Can’t be knocked out 


Rare as a Carno to find

Found also in mountains


Scorched Earth,Aberration,Extinction,Genesis 2


Edited by JonathanTuno9
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