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ASTEROID The evolutionary starfish




I introduce myself; I'm SanJuan. I'm nominating this ASTEROID creature for the aberration map, my favorite map in the entire game.



I drew inspiration from the lore of a YouTuber and their group of friends, whom I greatly appreciate. Asteroidea is a class within the phylum Echinodermata, consisting of a large number of species. They are poorly represented in the fossil record, partly because the hard parts of their skeletons separate when the animal decomposes or because the soft tissues break down into distorted and unrecognizable remains. The first known asteroids date back to the Ordovician period. During the two major mass extinction events in the Late Devonian and Late Permian, many species went extinct, while others managed to survive.




1.       HARVEST

2.       WILD


4.       BABIES

5.       JUVENILES



8.       ADULTS

9.       MATING

10.  Why do I think Asteroid should be implemented in the game and how can it contribute to the gameplay?

11.  How do you plan to balance such a powerful creature in the game?


much of the skills are inspired by this video:




Hunting and harvesting stars will yield the following resources: fatty meat, pearls, and chitin. Cooking fatty meat in the forge will transform it into oil.

Juvenile, adolescent, and adult stars will drop an 'incarnate treasure' as loot, which, when cooked in a forge, will dissolve the protein, unveiling loot of varying quality based on the star's size. The larger the star, the better the loot.



Wild stars can be encountered in all stages of their growth, typically near aquifer sites. Their temperament is quite similar to that of Purlovia. They can be found buried underground, inside corpses, or preying on unsuspecting creatures.


  • Babies: High green area
  • Juveniles: Low green area
  • Teens: Blue Zone
  • Adults: Low red zone

The number of arms varies throughout the growth stages of the star. Generally, the more arms the star has, the rarer its spawn is.

Babies: 3 to 4 arms

Juveniles: 4 to 5 arms

Adolescents: 4 to 6 arms

Adults: 5 to 8 arms



Stars of any size can be tamed, and the taming process is the same for all, with only the size of the sacrifices varying.

Taming involves attracting or sacrificing a specific wild or domesticated creature that the star requires as prey. The higher the level of the sacrifice, the more effective it is. I recommend using sacrifices with low health to prevent them from killing the star and disrupting the taming process.

Adolescents and adults require reaper pheromones to complete the taming.

It will also be possible to tame babies and guide them through each subsequent stage of growth until they become adults. However, to achieve this, you must continue with the mechanics of specific cravings. The number of preys needed for growth depends on the number of creatures used in the taming process.

  • Baby to juvenile: Number of sacrifices in taming x3
  • Juvenile to adolescent: Number of sacrifices in taming x9
  • Adolescent to adult: Number of sacrifices in taming x27

Growing a star provides benefits compared to just taming it. There is a chance that when it reaches the next stage, the star may grow an additional 0 to 2 arms.



The babies are found in groups of 4 to 6 along the riverbanks in the green area.

Shoulder creature:

  • Does not respond to whistles and will not move.
  • Can be buried in the ground.
  • Can be kept in inventory like the giant bee


  • Bear trap mode: The attack immobilizes players and small creatures.
  • Store loot underground.
  • Land mine mode: Craft a low-grade explosive in your inventory using 40 units of gunpowder and 3 auric mushrooms. Instead of immobilizing, it will explode, causing damage similar to a land mine




The juveniles spawn inside the corpses of medium and large-sized creatures. The corpses must be close to a water source in the green or blue zone. When a survivor approaches to harvest the corpse, the star will jump over and attack. To get rid of the star, cut off its arms with a sword or an axe.

After cutting off 1 or 2 arms, the star will release the survivor and bury itself in the ground to start the taming process.


  • Shoulder creature
  • Store loot underground
  • Bear trap mode
  • Health battery: Ability to discharge light using plants Z (600 units) to heal 600 hit points.
  • GPS: Amputate the star's arms and equip them in any tool, weapon, armor, or saddle to track locations and tribemates. Stolen items can also be tracked.
  • Climb and parachute: Similar to sinomacrops, a juvenile star can help climb vertical walls and deploy a parachute-like mechanism



These mindless creatures do not behave in the same way as other creatures. You can manipulate their temperament using either reaper pheromone or pachyrhinosaurus pheromones.


Eating Frenzy:

  • They can be ridden by their riders.
  • They will obey orders.
  • They will not distinguish between allies and enemies.


  • They will remain calm and can be buried.
  • It increases their health regeneration speed.
  • You can equip and unequip weapons on their arms.

Pachyrhinosaurus Pheromone:

  • Red pheromone induces an eating frenzy.
  • Purple pheromone appeases them.

Reaper Pheromone:

  • It triggers a feeding frenzy for 1200 seconds and then returns them to a pacified state.


Hydraulic Suit:

The hydraulic suit requires liquids and fuel for proper operation.

  • water and gasoline in adolescents
  • liquid element and frozen gas ball in adults


  • Stars are slow on land and water, but the suit helps increase their speed
  • Climbing steep surfaces
  • Propelling themselves into deep water
  • Maneuvering at high speeds similar to the Roll Rat.

COMMON ATTACKS: (Adolecent Adult)

·         Sour vomit:

This acid is not harmful to most living beings, but it is lethal to organic fibers. It will reduce the armor of any creature with a fiber saddle or structure for a duration of 25 seconds. Additionally, it will temporarily disable weapons made with fiber, affecting both allies and enemies hit by the acid vomit (Whips, Bolas, Crossbows) for the same duration.


Furthermore, allies smeared with the acid will be protected from the effects of fiber-based weapon vomit for 15 seconds.


The cooldown period for the acid vomit is 40 seconds, during which time the star will be unable to use the attack again



Teenagers can be directed by 1 to 3 riders simultaneously, who will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Directing the movement of each arm.
  • Controlling creature attacks.
  • Handling weapons on each arm.
  • Manufacturing chemical compounds in their inventory.

In the appeased state, you can equip and unequip hand weapons such as flamethrowers, shotguns, rocket launchers, whips, melee weapons, tools, and scissors (which can cut nets and bolas).

The hydraulic suit transforms the star into a portable chemical table and enables the creation of two new compounds:

  1. Narcotic Cocktail: This cocktail will temporarily incapacitate small and medium creatures for 30 seconds. It can also bring down flying creatures to the ground, dismounting their riders for 4 seconds. Ingredients required: 50 narcotics, 10 biotoxins, and 30 sour mushrooms.
  2. Stimulation Cocktail: This cocktail reduces a significant amount of torpor in unconscious creatures. It counteracts the effects of the narcotic cocktail and increases the stamina of allied creatures. Ingredients required: 50 stimulants, 2 rare mushrooms, and 30 auric mushrooms.

The hydrosuit features a cockpit that provides protection against radiation, oxygen loss, and takedown attacks, but leaves riders vulnerable to high temperatures, the suit to work consumes water and gasoline



It can be directed by a minimum of 2 riders and a maximum of one rider for each arm that the star possesses.

The hydraulic suit does not have a cabin but rather a small platform located at the center of the star. This platform allows for the construction of a maximum of 20 small structures.

To function, the suit consumes element ore and frozen gas balls over time.

His inventory is a portable factory and heavy ammunition factory

You will have the ability to equip heavy weapons such as ballistas, cannons, missile turrets, machine guns, catapults, and even lift small creatures like Doedicurus and Ankylosaurus.


Special Attack: Gobble 

  • During this attack, the star will expel its stomach, trapping medium-sized creatures such as Estegos and Trikes, and instantly killing them
  • The attack lasts for 25 seconds, and for it to be effective, the targeted creature must not sustain any damage during that time
  • While executing this attack, the star will remain immobile and lose 50% of its armor
  • To mark a prey more effectively and reduce the attack time of the move, mark the victim with an ammonite pheromone dart.




Unfortunately, pheromone therapy has rendered the stars infertile. However, they can be reproduced through regeneration.

To initiate the regeneration process, a limb of a teenage or adult star must be amputated and stored in a refrigerator as a genetic reserve.

For the amputation to occur, the star must be in an appeased state.

Over time, the amputated limb will regrow, but a new star will not be born from the amputated limb until the original star dies.

The regenerated star will have the same age, accumulated experience, and number of limbs as it had at the time of amputation.

The process of regenerating a new star from the amputated limb takes the same amount of time as it takes for a baby Quetzal to mature into an adult.

Each time an arm is amputated, there is a 3% chance of acquiring a mutation.

In the event that the star sustains significant damage, there is a possibility that it will detach an arm, which can then be stolen by an enemy player. If you manage to recover the arm, you can reattach it using "star glue," which can be crafted in your inventory using honey, giant bee honey, fungal wood, tree sap, and cementing paste


Why do I think Asteroid should be implemented in the game and how can it contribute to the gameplay?

For me, Ark has been a game that I have enjoyed much more in multiplayer than in single-player mode.

·         While the starfish creature can be used effectively by a single person, I believe it would be even more efficient and enjoyable if it could be controlled by more than two riders. Although there are already creatures like Astrocetus, Procoptodon, Diplodocus, etc., that allow multiple players to ride them simultaneously, what I propose is that all riders of the starfish have control over the creature's locomotion and attacks simultaneously.

Here's an example: If the adult starfish has 8 arms and there are 3 players, each player could be responsible for controlling and operating a specific set of arms and their respective weapons. For instance, the first player could control the movement of 4 arms and their associated weapon, while the second player could do the same with another set of arms, and the third player could alternate between the arms of their companions during challenging moments where coordination between two players may be insufficient for effective mobility and combat


·         I don't quite understand why Ark doesn't have a more efficient tracking system for locations and tribe members. I know that the transponder node is used to keep track of domesticated, allied, enemy, and wild creatures, but it requires reaching level 66 to unlock. While this may not be difficult for experienced players, it can be a daunting task for newcomers who simply want to know the whereabouts of their friends or their shelter.

Certainly, the mechanics I propose involving a juvenile starfish to cut off its arms, distribute them among tribe members, and hide them within pieces of armor, tools, and saddles to track their belongings and friends, may not be the simplest task for a newbie in Ark. However, in my opinion, it adds an exciting and enjoyable mechanic to the game.


For instance, in PvE, it can be frustrating to discover that your belongings have disappeared from your inventory, possibly taken by a tribe mate. Being able to locate your items using a juvenile starfish would be incredibly helpful.


In PvP, if you've hidden an arm within an item in your inventory and get killed by another player, you might even be able to track down the location of your enemy on the map and attempt to retrieve what's rightfully yours


·         Different parenting system:


The most distinctive feature that sets the starfish apart from other creatures in Ark is its unique maturation process. Similar to Kairukus, it is possible to tame wild starfish at any age, be it babies, juveniles, adolescents, or adults. However, once tamed, they will not progress to the next growth stage unless the player completes a series of objectives set by their starfish. These objectives can range from obtaining rare resources like Ammonite Bile, sacrificing a randomly selected creature based on the starfish's size, or acquiring hunting trophies such as Sarco skin or sauropod vertebrae. This system is clearly inspired by the Pokémon Evolution system.


Accompanying a baby starfish through each stage of its growth will provide advantages over simply taming a teenager or adult. In theory, starfish will not only spawn with a random level but also a random number of arms corresponding to their size. For example, babies may have 3 to 4 arms, juveniles 4 to 5 arms, adolescents 4 to 6 arms, and adults 5 to 8 arms. However, for each growth stage completed by the player, there will be a chance of adding 0 to 2 additional arms to the starfish.


In summary, a greater number of arms means a larger number of riders that can mount the starfish, more weapons or tools (one per arm), and potentially improved mobility depending on the coordination among the riders.


Regarding starfish reproduction, it is impossible for an adult couple to produce offspring. However, reproduction can occur through parthenogenesis. By sacrificing an arm and storing it in a fridge, a new starfish can emerge from the amputated arm if it is properly fed and incubated, similar to fertilized eggs. However, this can only happen if the original starfish has already died.


While other breedable creatures in the game require multiple parents to produce highly mutated offspring, starfish can mutate with the same probability as other creatures but with the distinction of needing only a single adult or teenager."


How do you plan to balance such a powerful creature in the game?


I understand that it may seem like I have proposed 4 different creatures instead of one. I also understand that if this creature were to be chosen, the aberrant version of Pachyrinosaurus would need to be added to the game. I am aware that there will be people who disagree with the idea of a brainless creature being tamed, versatile, and even powerful. However, I have not only been thinking about extremely overpowered abilities, but also about ways to balance them and make the gameplay enjoyable and accessible for everyone. Let me show you the proposed balancing:


·         Symbiotic interaction: Pachyrinosaurus is a creature that, in my opinion, is underutilized in the game despite having a unique ability - its pheromones. If a player wants to have a teenage or adult starfish for regular use, they would need the assistance of a Pachyrinosaurus to accompany them on their journeys. By using the red pheromone, they can mount the starfish, and with the purple pheromone, they can equip weapons on its arms, accelerate healing, and amputate arms. Here are some specific scenarios:


PVP: An adult starfish is a powerful creature capable of launching firearms, bullets, rockets, and even cannonballs. However, caution is advised when attacking an enemy base defended by a Pachyrinosaurus. If the Pachyrinosaurus launches a purple pheromone on its mount, it will instantly disable the starfish. To counter this effect, the red pheromone from an allied Pachyrinosaurus or the Reaper's pheromone can be used to reverse the disabling effect temporarily.


PVE: Whether it's an adult or adolescent starfish, there should be a sense of caution when approaching wild Pachyrinosaurs. These creatures can knock out your starfish simply by casting their purple pheromone.


·         The starfish lacks a brain, but it possesses a very complex nervous system:


Any tamed starfish, whether it's a baby, juvenile, adolescent, or adult, will not be entirely obedient and can cause damage, regardless of friendly fire settings on the server.


Baby starfish, when used as landmines, will explode or bite anyone who comes in contact with them, regardless of whether they are a friend or a foe.


Shouldered juvenile starfish, when fully discharged from light, will bite and inflict damage on the player, similar to the low-health Bloodstalker and its rider.


Adolescent and adult starfish must be carefully kept away from other mature starfish. Small creatures should be kept out of their reach. If they spend too much time near the starfish, there is a risk of being devoured.


Starfish also lack a skeletal system. Their locomotion is facilitated by a hydraulic skeleton. Taking this into account, I have developed the concept of hydraulic suits, with a unique suit for each adolescent or adult starfish. These suits are more challenging to manipulate compared to regular saddles, but skilled riders can become formidable foes.


Unlike Roll Rat saddles, the hydraulic suit does not break. However, its maintenance is not easy. Over time, the suit's performance will deteriorate, affecting the movement and maneuverability of the arms.


For the Teen Suit, it requires the rider to carry water and gasoline in their inventory.


For the Adult Suit, the rider needs to have liquid element and frozen gas balls in their inventory for proper functioning


And for both adults and adolescents, it is recommended to carry electric batons in case of rebellion





Edited by SanJuanLD
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