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Table Of Contents


Introducing Rhizodus

  • Real-world Animal

  • Design & Ability Inspiration

Abilities & Attributes

  • Basics/Stats

  • Land Movement & Moisture Stat

  • Water Storage & Projectile Attacks

  • Lunge Attack

  • Slope-based Sliding Momentum

  • Rhizodus Roe



Bonus Artwork




Species: Rhizodus giarpeton

Time: Early Carboniferous

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Patient



As if the highly-competed-for freshwater bodies of Aberration weren’t dangerous enough, Rhizodus giarpeton surely caught me off guard while observing the fertile regions’s rivers, as it lunged toward prey with deadly velocity. This gargantuan freshwater fish may be one of the last creatures one would expect to find in these lands devoid of a large water body, but Rhizodus is equipped with more than enough tools to thrive in its shallow rivers.


If you or your tames happen to get splashed with water from seemingly nowhere, I recommend you steer clear of any nearby water bodies, as it may be a Rhizodus attempting to lure you towards it or deter you from its territory. These creatures can fire water from its mouth with varying power for both hunting and self defense. If you ever happen to be ambushed by a Rhizodus, your best bet is to fight it off. Those who’ve thought simply retreating to land would save them may not have not been so lucky…


Don't let the appearance of this creature fool you. Despite being a fish, a tamed Rhizodus is more than capable of providing use as a tame despite the lack of large water bodies present on Aberration. Capable of remaining on land for extended periods of time, Rhizodus makes for a unique and flashy travel mount, as it slides across land at surprising speeds, especially downhill. Its ability to store and shoot water can distract, attack, and intimidate wild and tamed aggressors alike.



Introducing Rhizodus

Real-world Animal

Rhizodus was a giant predatory lobe-finned fish that lived during the Early Carboniferous period. Rhizodus was the world's largest freshwater fish, with size estimates reaching up to 5.6 meters (18'6ft) long, similar in size to a Great White Shark.


Rhizodus reconstruction by Mario Lanzas

Rhizodus by MarioLanzas on DeviantArt


Design & Ability Inspiration

  • Rhizodus's design takes inspiration from Mudskippers (Pectoral Fin and Dorsal Fin) and Catfish (Whiskers)
  • Rhizodus's water projectile attacks take inspiration from Archerfish
  • Rhizodus's Amphibious traits take inspiration from Mudskippers and Lungfish

The banded archerfish is a spitting assassin - Australian Geographic

Fierce battle looks likely as land-dwelling mudskipper fish face off | New  Scientist

Shedd Aquarium's Australian Lungfish Granddad Named World's Oldest Aquarium  Fish


Abilities & Attributes


  • Tamable
  • Rideable
  • Breedable 😳
  • Passively Tamed
  • Rhizodus Saddle - Lvl 53 engram, has 1 passenger seat
  • Rider Weaponry Enabled
  • Drops Raw Fish Meat, Prime Fish Meat, Hide, Keratin


  • Health: 600
  • Stamina: 350
  • Oxygen: Infinite
  • Moisture: 1500
  • Weight: 550
  • Melee: 38 (at 100%)
  • Drag Weight: 250

Land Movement & Moisture Stat

Rhizodus would be the first fish capable of going on land, without dying instantly (cough cough Manta), using a unique moisture stat to stay alive on land. This moisture stat acts like the Oxygen stat, but instead depletes when Rhizodus is not touching water. Rhizodus does not need to be fully submerged to replenish Moisture, but it will replenish faster if Rhizodus is fully submerged. Moisture can also replenish by giving Rhizodus water-storing items (Water Jar, Canteen, etc).

Water Storage & Projectile Attacks

Rhizodus can store water to utilize for projectile attacks both underwater and on land. How much water Rhizodus can store is dependent on its weight stat, but stored water will not weigh Rhizodus down. Rhizodus has 3 water projectile attacks:

  • Distraction Shot - Deals no damage. Used to aggro creatures from a distance, and even works on passive or skittish creatures. Less aggressive creatures will require you to shoot them more. Uses a small amount of water.
  • Pressurized Shot - High speed shot that deals moderate damage and scales with the Melee stat. Disables cloaking, climbing, and flying on the target for a small time period. Uses a moderate amount of water.
  • Water Vomit - A last-resort survival tool. Scares away enemies and replenishes moisture for all nearby Rhizodus. Uses a large amount of water. A setting to automatically Water Vomit with the available water and nearby targets when under 10% health can be enabled through the radial menu.

Lunge Attack

If Rhizodus is submerged in water, it can charge up a powerful Lunge attack. Hold the Lunge attack input to charge up, then let go for a massive speed boost that deals heavy damage to the target. This can also send Rhizodus flying out of the water, which may come in hand when traveling vertically.

Slope-based Sliding Momentum

Similar to a Maewing, Rhizodus will slide down hills much faster than its standard slide speed. The steeper the slope, the faster you go. With the right travel routes, Rhizodus can make for an excellent fast-travel mount using this mechanic.

Rhizodus Roe

Rhizodus Roe (eggs) are sought after by creatures and survivors alike for their taste and nutritional effects. Rhizodus Roe can be obtained from wild female Rhizodus by knocking them out. You can also leave a female Rhizodus submerged in water, and it will slowly produce the roe, carrying it in its mouth. Rhizodus Roe can be used as a kibble alternative for piscivores, but is also a viable egg for making Extraordinary Kibble.



To tame Rhizodus, place its preferred foods in the inventory of you or a creature. Sacrifice them to a Rhizodus. It will slowly eat the food overtime while leaving any other items behind. Simple and straightforward, solidifying Rhizodus's role as a mid-game all rounder mount.



LeftClick/RT/R2 - Bite

RightClick/LT/L2 - Water Projectile Attack

C/RS - Toggle Water Projectile Modes

SpaceBar/A/X - Lunge (underwater), Halt Movement (sliding downhill)





My work-in-progress ARK Submissions roadmap. Stay tuned for more submissions made by me!




Edited by VaporVenator
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Species: Rhizodus flumenmonstrum
Time: Carboniferous
Diet: Carnivore
Size: about 20 meters
Sadle unlocks  at 78 lvl
700 health
500 stamina
300 moisture (oxygen) 
75 basic damage
??? Speed
600 weight(selica and black pearls weight less in its inventory) 
Rhizodus gigas is enormous species of fish that was able to conquer both water and land making a good competition for Spinosaurus and escepially karkinos who sometimes becomes a good snack for rhizodus.
Rhizodus was a pain for survivors that cuz alot of survivors building their Base near the water and often had their tames or even themselves being snatched by this giant fish. Survivors mostly never kill rhizodus for food but rather to defend themselves or prevent trouble because rhizodus has slime protecting it from fire and is turns out slime covers not only its skin but sometimes its meat as well which made it really difficult to cook. 
1. Grab
When Rhizodus catches small prey it swallows it whole but when it catches big prey it takes it as deep as possible and drowns it, in fear preys oxygen drains way faster than usuall. If you tame it you can use grab ability to grab your own tames or tribemates and take then underwater without worrying about them drowning cuz Rhizodus will provide them with oxygen.
If it grabs another water creature it will start mauling it with its powerfull jaws 
Deals 70 damage doesnt matter if u grab wild creature or your own tame
2. Tail slap
Tail slap stuns small animals in water and does huge knockback + bonebreak(20 sec.) on land. Deals 50 basic damage
3. Charge
Charge gives Rhizodus speed boost for 7 seconds and deals 5 basic damage to everything that gets in the way
4. Slide
Rhizodus can use its slimy belly to slide on land like a penguin, but can use it only 3 times, if all 3 is used it will have cooldown 10 minutes until you can use it again
5. Fire resistance
Slime protects Rhizodus from getting burned or take damage from fire
6. Thick skull 
Rhizodus will take less damage from being shot/hit in the head
Gender dimorphism
Males have large payara  like teeth  to fight and atract females and long snout. Those teeth are large enough to land deadly wounds and cause massive bleeding even to animals bigger than Rhizodus itself. 
Females have short but wide snout with catfish like teeth to protect their eggs by hiding them in their mouth. Wide mouth suck in multiple of small creatures 
Taming method(can only be one):
1. Use repelant and let it swallow you after which it will spit you out and take some torpor(will drop very slowly) and then wait for it to do it again to knock it out, Rhizodus will eat any sort of meat exept for spoiled one but its most favorite is lamb
2. Become Jeremy and use fishing to tame it!
3. Make it swallow something poisonous to make it fall unconcious
4. Make it swallow carbonemis  so it will choke and fall unconcious
Can farm: Selica pearls, Black pearls, stone and flint
Cant shoot from saddle 




Artwork by @ArtSaturator on Twitter 


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