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Changyuraptor yangi: The speed boosting shoulder pet



Found in the Redwoods and the Southwest of Ragnarok this Small agressive "four winged" dinosaur can often be spottet hunting it's smaller relative the Microraptor. Hunting such a fast creature made it getting used to decent speeds aswell. It is too fast to be pinned down by a bola, but can easily be put to sleep by a lucky shot as it has very low torpor stats.



Although being very vulnerable to tranq shots, this Dino cannot be K.O. tamed, as it will loose trust when being threatened. It remains a curious and playful creature non the less and loves to chase other creatures. In order to tame Changyuraptor yangi one must carry it's favourite prey on the shoulder while rushing threw the woods like a madman. The faster the survivor (on a mount) the easier it will be tamed.


For this creature speed is everything! When put on the shoulder Changyuraptor will grant a significant speed buff to the survivor aswell as any creature the survivor is riding, making it a valuable tame for anyone wanting that sweet super speed to dash trew the air on a griffin in a fight, saving some stats in a mounted creature or simply to make that Ankylosaurus finally hurry up. Additionaly it will function similar to a gliding suit or Sinomacrops as it will allow the survivor to glide trew the air with incredible speed.

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Edited by Shishkebob24
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