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Avicranium(ancient chameleon)



Avicranium is a genus of extinct drepanosaur reptile known from the Chinle Formation of the late Triassic. The type species of Avicranium is Avicranium renestoi. "Avicranium" is Latin for "bird cranium", in reference to its unusual bird-like skull, while "renestoi" references Silvio Renesto, a paleontologist known for studies of Italian drepanosaurs.
The holotype and only known specimen of Avicranium is AMNH FARB 30834, a disarticulated skull attached to a few cervical (neck) vertebrae. This specimen hails from the Coelophysis (or Whitaker) quarry at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, USA. This quarry belongs to the 'siltstone member' of the Chinle formation, which corresponds to the late Norian to early Rhaetian stages of the Triassic. Various unprepared blocks from this locality were excavated by American Museum of Natural History field parties during the 1940s. Long believed to only contain multiple specimens of the early dinosaur Coelophysis, these blocks are now known to contain a multitude of different Triassic reptiles.
AMNH FARB 30834 was uncovered during the preparation of a block containing the holotype of Effigia okeeffeae, a large shuvosaurid pseudosuchian. Multiple other drepanosaur vertebrae and limb fragments have also been found in the block, although it is unclear whether they belong to the same specimen as AMNH FARB 308344
Despite AMNH FARB 30834 being disarticulated and partially covered by the rock matrix, many of its bones are well-preserved and the specimen as a whole was micro-CT scanned, revealing elements hidden under rock. This scan allowed the skull to be reconstructed in 3D using digital software. An endocast of the brain was also digitally constructed from the skull. Avicranium has the most well-preserved skull material of any drepanosaur.


In this game, it appears as a giant chameleon.
This organism aggressively attacks to prey on wormy organisms.
At that time, it will attack with its long tongue, but it has the effect of raising the coma value higher than Titanoboa.
Luckily, they are neutral to the player, but when attacked by a player, they become hostile, instantly falling into a coma under it, and easily killing the player.
Also, if there are dangerous creatures nearby, they may camouflage their bodies and hide them.
In addition, creatures such as Rock Drake also have the ability to mimic, but Avicranium will be able to use special abilities that can be used after taming there.
Taming method
This creature can be tamed to feed on insect corpses in a manner similar to an otter, provided there are no dangerous creatures nearby.
However, if it finds a player, it will mimic itself and hide itself, making it impossible to tame, so Ghillie equipment is required.
This is because by giving the corpse of an insect in front of you without being mimicked, you can eat it and the taming gauge will rise.
However, if you camouflage even once, you will not be able to tame for the time being, and the taming gauge will gradually drop.
After taming
This creature has its own saddle and can be ridden on it.
First of all, you can attack with the effect of increasing the coma value higher than Titanoboa, and you can also camouflage with the player who is riding.
Moreover, up to about 5 players can ride, and all 5 can be camouflaged together.
And as a special ability that can be used when mimicking, you can put out a huge eye as a pattern and threaten most living things.
Moreover, the huge patterned eyes can be made to emit light, allowing Nameless, who is not good at light sources, to escape.
However, in order to create giant eyes as a pattern, it consumes a lot of food and can become hungry easily, so it is recommended to put a large amount of food such as meat in it.

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