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Saurophaganax Maximus - The Largest Lord of Lizard Eaters



Saurophaganax is a medium-large predator slightly smaller than a Rex. Wild Saurophaganax will hunt players who have tamed large creatures over a long distance and sneak attack them will a charge and gnash leading to massive blood loss. It also is immune to wyverns breath attacks.

You can tame a Saurophaganax by killing an Alpha creature in its presence, size of the Alpha leading to better taming efficiency. They are not primarily used for battle, but for travel. Their speed increases exponentially with their levels. Also, when running through brush, their inventory will gain sap.

Real Life:

Saurophaganax was the largest predator of the Morrison formation, hunting the largest herbivores. it was also the largest Allosaurid.


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Saurophaganax maximus is one of the largest creatures on the islands, living alone in redwood forests and deserts. Saurophaganax is larger than Allosaurus and slightly smaller than Rex. This species has pronounced sexual dimorphism, Saurophaganax males have larger and sharper crests on their heads, while females have rounded crests and smaller than males.

The behaviour of Saurophaganax is aggressive, Saurophaganax does not hesitate to attack all moving animals, but if the animals are not moving, stationary animals will interest him and he will take them in his paws to intimidate.

Domestication of Saurophaganax is passive, its domestication is similar to that of Synomacrops, you also need to stand still and wait for it to come up to you and take you with its front paws, while it opens its mouth for a long time (within 10 seconds) you must put food to it (First-class meat, first-class fish, lamb, all sorts of breadcrumbs, this species loves Lazarus soup so I suggest using it first) and after you feed it, it will stand in a stupor for 10 seconds, giving you a head start to escape.
(A tame Saurophaganax loses its ability to grab creatures with its front paws).


  1.  the first saddle of Saurophaganax is indistinguishable from the saddles of other dinosaurs by having two seats for players.
  2.   The second saddle of the Saurophaganax is equipped with a mount for ballistic missiles, turrets, and cannons. If you place ballistas (and other controlled firearms) in the saddle you will have more slots for players to land. The Saurophaganax saddle has a mini gasoline-powered generator for the turrets, and the turrets themselves are powered by the generator. The saddle also has a similar ability as the Andrewsarch saddle, namely complete protection for the rider sitting in the saddle.


Not a good concept for this saddle


  • Left mouse button - normal jaw bite
  • Right Mouse button - paw (if more than 10 creeps attack Saurophaganax, the paw damage increases by 10%)
  • Hold down the space bar and the Saurophaganax opens his jaw and inflicts a 30% damage on the enemy dinosaurs (the more dinosaurs have health and size, the longer the dead time, the longer the delay, up to 5 minutes if you are biting the Titanosaurus).
  • Shift- Saurophaganax runs at Rex speed. The longer Saurophaganax runs in a straight line, the faster it accelerates (by a maximum of 15%); if you sharply turn the mouse, Saurophaganax will reverse direction while running. 





Edited by vnovackaa
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