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Multi-Mod Bug Diagnosis Help Please, S+ Crop Plot Forgets it has Fertilizer


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I am playing ARK on a modded server with a bunch of friends. There's a lot of mods, the friend running the server is a bit mod-crazy.

We've made several bases so far, and everything was fine. I set up another base though, a farm, and I've been experiencing a strange bug that only happens at my base and not at any of the other players, including our first main base that I set up as well.

The issue is that the S+ Crop Plots at my new base/farm keep forgetting they have fertilizer in them. By that I mean, I put fertilizer in them, and leave them alone with seeds and water to grow. The next day, I'll come back, and most of the plots have a bug where they say they have no fertilizer. If I open the inventory of one of the plots, it has fertilizer. If I put anything in the inventory, it updates and now it knows it has fertilizer again. This does not happen to all of the S+ Small Crop Plots on that farm, every time I've gone back some of them are still fine but most are showing no fertilizer and the plant is dead.

We are playing on The Island map. The intent is to play through each of the six story ARKs together, modded, and this is the first one.

It is only happening to the S+ plots at my base, none of the other bases are having this issue. I have four greenhouses next to eachother. One has 64 S+ Small Crop Plots, the other three have 16 S+ Large Crop Plots. Two of the Large Crop Plot greenhouses are having the same issue, even though I haven't put any seeds in them. The fourth greenhouse hasn't shown this issue at all. Each of the sixteen S+ Large Crop Plots in there have a modded plant in them, called a Pearl Stump.

I'm not sure what could be causing this issue, so I'll list some things I think it might be, or other factors going on in the area, as well as what I've tried so far, and finally, I'll try to link a list of all the mods we're using.

The first thing I thought it might be is the Automated ARK Control Console. All four greenhouses are within range, and I had it set to Autosort. Since it works with inventory, I thought it might be interfering. I turned autosort off, but the problem happened again. Also, the first base has an Automated ARK Control Console that covers the crop plots as well, but it's never been on Autosort mode, we only ever use Manual Sort.

The greenhouses are made of all S+ parts, but the foundations are Villager Foundations from the Castles, Keeps and Forts Remastered mod. The pipes and taps are S+ Metal.

They're all within the range of an Automated ARK Wireless Generator, which we also don't use at the main base. There are four Automated ARK Veggie Crates and one Automated ARK Refridgerated Feeding Trough as well, but we have those at the main base with no issues.

The S+ Small Plots are the only ones I've put seeds into, the Large ones only have fertilizer, except for the ones with the Pearl Stumps. The S+ Small Plots are seeded with Stimberry Seed and Mejoberry Seed, non-modded.

I don't know what else could be affecting them here unlike the other bases. It is somewhat distant? The main base is near the Red Obelisk, at the cove with the waterfall, and my new one with the bug is near the Green Obelisk, to the north, on a flat area above the small lake.

I have no idea why this bug is happening, why only at this location, or what mods might be involved in it. I haven't made any ARK Mods myself, though I do know a bit about game design and coding, if you need to give a technical answer.

This link should show the whole mod list we're using.


Thank you for your time, I hope you can help!

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