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Tek chembench



Hi everyone , 

I think everyone who has a long time playing this game in pvp know the struggle of crafting gunpowder , i'm of course not talking about crafting 10K gunpowder , i'm talking about dedi's and dedi's of it , for that matter , you need to first process stone and flint into sparkpowder ( wich is already so long to fill all the chembench you have ) and supply again all the chembench with spark and charcoal .

I think the best thing Wildcard added to the game for that part is tek leggings , it made our crafting way easier to be able to move slotcapped and fill all the chembench but ,
If i have no problems farming all the ressources ( i literaly have dedi's and dedi's of them )  for the proccessing part , it just takes way way too long and it is really lame to do .

My suggestion would be to add a tek chembench to the game , so instead of having 50 chembench u have to fill one by one , you would have like 5 tek chembench who got 300 slots and craft faster ( also just need to be powered with tekgen would be amazing )
It also could be directly linked to multiples dedi's to straight craft without having the need to put anything inside ( but that is more like a dream to me )

To have talked about it to many people , i can tell you 100% that it would make the game way more enjoyable with more quality of life .
Also , by being " TEK " it also add more end contents wich is amazing too .

Thanks for reading me , i hope my suggestion will be added :)

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