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[PC - Single Player] The Volcano Map spawn settings


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So I am playing single player on the map The Volcano and I want to add and edit some dino spawns, I know the basic but for this map I wasn't sure how would the spawning code be and the official creator put this on their website and I'm not sure how its imputed in the config so if anyone plays on this map and know how to would appreciate if you can tell me how 

(this is from the website - Dino Spawn Classes Spawn Areas incl. the spawner names 1.) North/West Island 2.) Snow Biome 3.) West Grassland 4.) Redwoods 5.) South Grassland 6.) Volcano Island 7.) Jungle 8.) Swamp 9.) South Grassland 10.) Desert 11.) Mountain  ) 

(This is what I know how most of spawn settings looks like when I want to add but idk how to input The Volcano spawn would be in here)

ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer=(NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="#where#",NPCSpawnEntries=( (AnEntryName="#name#",EntryWeight=#weight#,NPCsToSpawnStrings=("#what#"))), NPCSpawnLimits=( (NPCClassString="#what#",MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=#percentage#)))

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