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2 days later, can't find NA-PVE-Official_TheIsland734


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2 days later, can't find NA-PVE-Official_TheIsland734

Hi, so I started playing Ark like a week ago and the other day I randomly started a tribe and randomly recruited a couple dudes who were running around near me into it... Before long, we had built up our little camp area, tamed a bunch of dinos, etc. Yesterday I had to work late, didn't make it on, and today I go to login and I can't select the option to join my last game and the server I was on (name in the title of this post) doesn't show up now in the list. When I filter just by NA, there are only 34 total servers.  With caps of 70, there's obviously way more than that... so what makes certain servers rather than others appear on the list?  And isn't there any way to track down my "character" rather than have to select the correct server?  And for context, I'm playing on the Epic Games version. 

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