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Life's Labyrinth Buttons Missing Letters


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Life's Labyrinth Buttons Missing Letters

I think this is a bug. I am playing Ragnarok on a PC with a server hosted instance of Ragnarok and I don't see any letters above the buttons. This is not the first time I have seen this issue either as it has happened on other servers I have went to. Am I missing a setting or something?

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Very good question. I would love to hear the answer, it seems this was not always a problem because videos from 2018 seem to show the letters just fine. There was a brief mention of this issue I found on a reddit post, but it was only for a console game around the same time as the videos I have found. It makes the puzzle impossible to solve without being able to see the letters and watching a video very closely on how to do it. I have just been clipping through (admin of the server) that area and proceeding forward, but it would be nice to see the letters so I can actually solve the puzzle without having to resort to watching a video every time.

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