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Australian Ark Sydney Server [Xbox] [Genesis]

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Australian Ark Sydney Server [Xbox]

Australian Ark Sydney Server is an Oceanic Region Genesis Map. 

For any Day-One players who join, there will be an Exclusive Special Dino given to them as appreciation of choosing this server as their first Genesis experience! 

Please join the Discord or Facebook page to be eligible.  ?

Discord: https://discord.gg/zK3A9Tp
Facebook: Australian Ark Sydney Server

PVP: -No Offline Raid Protection (Grace Periods Instead) -No Tribe Cap -Auto-Engram Unlock (Excluding Tek) -Alliances Allowed -Wild Dino Level Max: 150 -No Cave Building -Baby Imprint Cuddle: Anyone -Mod Stacks -Non-Permanent Diseases -Player Map Location
Multipliers: -Harvesting: x5 -XP: x5 -Taming Speed: x10 -Food & Water Drain: x0.5 -Baby Hatch Speed: x20 -Baby Mature Speed: x20 -Lay Egg Interval: 0.5 -Mating Interval: 0.5 -Day Time Speed: x0.6 -Night Time Speed: x1.0
Player Stats: -Health: x2 -Stamina: x1.5 -Oxygen: x2 -Weight: x5 -Crafting Speed: x2 -Fortitude -x1.5
Dino Stats: -Weight: x3 -Stamina: x1.5 -Stamina Drain: x0.7image0.jpg

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