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primitive plus IslandB4Time - Xbox 24 / 7 Dedicated Primitive Plus PVP

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On March 9, 2016 at 6:36 PM, Plaidbear said:

See all info at http://islandb4time.blogspot.com

Your have found your new fun home! The Islandb4Time! 

For Ark Xbox players, this is a special 24/7 dedicated PVP Xbox server on a high speed fiber optic connection. There are a couple cool things about this server:

1) Like PVE, structures cannot be destroyed except by the owner - they are permanent, so your doors and base cant be breached, your dinos in an enclosed base are 100% safe (structure resistance is zero), so offline raiding wont accomplish much, but is allowed.

2) No killing passive dinos.

3) Fun stats - 6x taming, 4x XP, 5x dino resource harvesting, short night, .3 stamina (birds fly three times as far)

4) You can challenge others at the center island lake at  roughly 62(y), 35(x) to fight for whatever you reward you like in a soon to built gladitorial arena (do not build anywhere near that area). Fight in teams or alone. 

5) And drum roll ... a community industrial forge at the volcano for all to freely use to reduce metal carry weight for your return trip. A special thanks to one of our survivors for offering to transfer this item from the obelisk!

To join you need to first be added as a friend and then join game:

1) Message GamerTag user "IslandB4Time" to be added as a friend
2) Then join that game by clicking on the friend name and joining game

Read the server settings (with explanation) and rules at http://islandb4time.blogspot.com/

Looking to join and my fiancé added you and waiting for invite

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3 hours ago, Plaidbear said:

No downloads is the default but we can schedule them and temporarily allow them at an early morning hour est when few are on. No gigas, quetzals, or mosasaur downloads though. All character downloads ok, but if you would rather I can summon the same or give you the equivocate xp to get to that level, which accomplishes the same thing. Msg send me a screenshot of your Dinos in the obelisk and your character level as proof.

No dinos I want to transfer just my lvl 52 Survivor.

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Why and How was our base taken over by Zach (Canadian Moose)?... I just joined to find myself naked on the opposite side of the map w/o any designated spawns. Made the trek across the map to find it now has a new owner, pin codes, the whole nine yards. Yet it is the same exact base that WE built, not Zach. Just b'cuz you threw your name on the sign and changed the locks does not make it your property.

Why you treat me like some crazy ex wife?! Let me in the house to at least get my belongings and I'll be on my way you snake!

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17 hours ago, l8nitecreepin said:

Why and How was our base taken over by Zach (Canadian Moose)?... I just joined to find myself naked on the opposite side of the map w/o any designated spawns. Made the trek across the map to find it now has a new owner, pin codes, the whole nine yards. Yet it is the same exact base that WE built, not Zach. Just b'cuz you threw your name on the sign and changed the locks does not make it your property.

Why you treat me like some crazy ex wife?! Let me in the house to at least get my belongings and I'll be on my way you snake!

You guys left the server for two weeks. It states on our blog rules page that any structures will be deemed abandoned if for stone 12 days, metal 16 days. We gave more than that time in fact because we loved your design of your stone house. You built in the oasis which everyone asked us 'who are this guys who don't play who are in the oasis, they have the coolest base!'. Your teammate (the two of you) told me he left the country and just returned. I offered you back your structure in fact, and if you wanted to move to a new location, 100 of stone walls. You decided to still leave the server. I wish you luck in your adventures and really like your build techniques. I you want to come back and you are welcome. but if you dont in the next day or so I next to give that location to someone else if you plan to play on a different server.

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Disagree! My brother was on last week and I was offline for two weeks at most. Our base was a stone/metal combo so technically we should have been given the 16 days. And how about you take into consideration that your server was offline for a few days this month.

It doesn't really matter b'cuz I refuse to be in a server that is ruled by Nazis. Or maybe you have some God complex... "I shall giveth and I'll shall taketh away" type of crap going on. Bloodshot and I have been building in the oasis since we joined the server. Neighboring bases sat there in thatch and wood for weeks, yet nothing was done. It's apparent that you, or somebody in the server, wanted our location and you guys jumped at the opportunity to give us the boot.

My brother and I were both out of the country. Our father passed away so we flew to New Zealand and took care of the cremation. I then had his cremains shipped to California so I could split the ashes among family members. Sorry our commitment was elsewhere for the past 2 weeks.

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