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Mutations question


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ok first off torpor does not mutate torpor is directly related to the level of the dino.

you can easily check if there is a mutation by clicking the ancestry tab and seeing if one of the parents is listed as 1/20 instead of 0/20

Any time you mate 2 dinos you have a 2.5% chance at getting a mutation from each parent that is currently less than 20/20.

Any mutation that you get will come with a random color mutation. This can be to a natural or unnatural color. This is done by the game selecting a random color and applying it to a randomly selected color region 0-5. It can however chose a region the dino doesn't have and in this case no color change will be seen. For example regarding your Thylo if region 0 is chosen then the body will have a color change but if region 1,2, or 3 are chosen you will see no change as the Thylo does not use those regions 

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