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Adding Ravagers to Ragnarok


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This is the first time I've attempted this, but I tried adding Ravagers to the Ragnarok map by adding

  GNU nano 2.5.3                                               File: Game.ini                                                                                                    
ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer=(NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="DinoSpawnEntries_Ragnarok_Scotland",NPCSpawnEntries=( (AnEntryName="RavagerSpawner",EntryWeight=1000.0,NPCsToSpawnStrings=("CaveWolf_Character_BP_C"))), NPCSpawnLimits=( (NPCClassString="CaveWolf_Character_BP_C",MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.5) )  )

to my game.ini file.

Now this has worked fine other than now I just have ravagers in the highlands and nothing else. Was wondering if anyone knew what I did wrong here and what I can also change to make them spawn in packs instead of singular. Thanks

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  • 8 months later...

try this


I have those numeral settings for the crabs in the swamp in ragnarok, and they are super hard to find. which I prefer, so take out a zero on both EntryWeight and MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow if what spawns isn't enough. Just takes some tweaking. Also no need for all those spaces in between characters!  You had the right format just some crazy high numbers in proportion. Hope this helps someone..

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