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Dedicated server software for windows machine

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I'm sure these questions have been asked before, but I haven't really been able to find a coherent answer that hasn't changed or isn't almost a year old. (I hope I didn't gloss over it in a FAQ if I did my apologies and direction to the answer would be welcome)

my two questions are:

1. is there a plan to release software to setup a dedicated ark server for PS4 players on your own machine (kind of like how you can now on PC) as I have the hardware and the knowhow to setup the server for me and some friends (as I have done so for PC a few times over the early access period on ark) to play on, just not the actual software to do so.

2. is there a plan to allow Steam users to play with PS4 users on a server together.  I have ark on steam, a few friends have it on steam as well, a few also have it on PS4 (maybe even a few on xbox as well, but that's not relevant at this point) I would love to be able to get all my friends together regardless of system, pop into our own server and play together with our dinos.  will this ever happen?


ultimate goal: setup dedicated server, play with everyone, tame dinos, make a tribe of cannibals and eat my friends regardless of location or game system.


thanks for any replies :)

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