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Something needs to be done about Duplication I am not sure how it can be solved but the selfish lazy few are spoiling the game for the rest of us who want to play Official Servers. I moved from 47 to 670 because of dupers, people came to our server to dupe cause they could predict when to dupe. but server transferring it seems to be the case for most servers now. Me and other players have lost lots of valuable tames and loot that we earned legitimately because of the rollbacks due to dupers.

There's a difference between spending 6 hours solo taming a 145 bronto with berries, than having to spend an hour having to repeat what you did due to a roleback caused by dupers.

I don't know how this can be solved but these selfish few are really spoiling it for the many. Th3JuMp3r321 lost 2 wyverns and a lot of other high level gear such as 300 black pearls. this was in the most resent roleback on 670.

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